Steven Totosy de Zepetnek Addresses: Prof.Dr., Media and Communication Studies, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Rudolf-Breitscheid-Strasse 10, D-06110 Halle, Germany, e-mail <> phone 49-(0)345-55-23632 / Editor, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture and Purdue Books in Comparative Cultural Studies, Purdue University Press, 1207 SCCE-E, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 USA, e-mail <>/ residence 8 Sunset Road, Winchester (at Boston), Massachusetts 01890 USA, phone 1-781-729-1680 |
![]() |
1997. Wen hsüe yen chiu ti ho fa hua. Chen t'i hua ho ching yen chu i wen hsüe yü wen hua yen chiu fang fa (Legitimizing the Study of Literature: A New Pragmatism: The Systemic Approach to Literature and Culture). Preface by Yue Daiyun. Trans. Ma Jui-ch'i. Peking University Academic Lectures Series vol. 7. Beijing: Peking University Press, 1997. ISBN 7-301-03482-2 (pbk), 217 pages. Texts of public lectures on radical constructivism, culture and literary theory and methodology, women's writing, film and literature, and Canadian and Hungarian modern and contemporary prose delivered at Peking University, Beijing, China, 1995 and 1996.
1993. A Zepetneki Tötösy család adattára / Records of the Tötösy de Zepetnek Family. Preface by Ferenc Makk. Compilation of Latin, Hungarian, and German archival, previously published, and family documents (with selected English translations) and genealogies 1587 to present on/of German, Austrian, Hungarian, Scottish-Canadian, English-Canadian, and American families and collateral families. Szeged: Attila József University, 1993. ISBN 963-481-914-1 (pbk), 280 pages, 91 illustrations, bibliography, index. Book review by Szabolcs de Vajay in Turul: A Magyar Történelmi Társulat, a Magyar Országos Levéltár és a Magyar Heraldikai és Geneológiai Társaság Közlönye (Hungarian National Archives) 67.1-2 (1994): 56-57. 2000-. Updated online version Records of the Tötösy de Zepetnek Family / A Zepetneki Tötösy család adattára at <>.
1989. Prefaces to Nineteenth-Century Canadian Novels: Their Function as Genre and Element of the Literary System. Ph.D. Dissertation. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Department of Comparative Literature, 1989. ISBN 0-315-556-307. Dissertation Abstracts International 1990 May v50.11, p3596A-3597A). Data and analysis of nineteenth-century English- and French-Canadian prefaces to novels with theoretical and methodological frameworks for the study of rhetoric, the sociology of literature, audience research, and genre studies.
top of page
and scholarly journals edited
2003. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, ed., Michael Ondaatje.
Canadian Writers Series. Toronto: Guernica Editions, 2003. Forthcoming.
2002. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, ed., Comparative Literature
and Comparative Cultural Studies. Books in Comparative Cultural
Studies 2 <>.
West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2002. ISBN 1-55753-288-5 (ebook),
ISBN 1-55753-290-7 (pbk). 365 pages, bibliography, index.
2002. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, ed., Comparative Central
European Culture. Books in Comparative Cultural Studies 1 <>.
West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2002. 217 pages, bibliography,
index. ISBN 1-55753-240-0.
2000. Steven Totosy de Zepetnek, ed. Histories and Concepts of Comparative
Literature. Thematic issue, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and
Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.4 (2000): <>.
1999. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, Milan V. Dimic, and Irene Sywenky,
eds., Comparative Literature Now: Theories and Practice / La Littérature
comparée à l'heure actuelle. Théories et réalisations.
Bibliothèque de Littérature Comparée 5. Paris: Honoré
Champion <>,
1999. 930 pages, bibliography. ISBN 2-85203-605-3 / ISSN 1262-2850. For
the table of contents, see <>.
1998. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Yiu-nam Leung, eds., Canadian
Culture and Literatures, and a Taiwan Perspective. Edmonton: Research
Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Alberta and Hsinchu:
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Tsing Hua University,
1998. 320 pages, bibliography. ISBN 0-921490-10-0. For the table of contents,
see <>.
1997. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Irene Sywenky, eds., The
Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature and Culture as Theory and
Application. Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative Literature,
University of Alberta and Siegen: Institute for Empirical Literature and
Media Research, Siegen University, 1997. ISBN 0-921490-08-9. 605 pages,
bibliography, and index. For the table of contents, see <>.
1997. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Jennifer W. Jay, eds., East
Asian Cultural and Historical Perspectives: Histories and Society / Culture
and Literatures. Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative Literature,
University of Alberta, 1997. ISBN 0-921490-09-7. 383 pages, bibliography.
For the table of contents, see <>.
1996. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, ed., International Perspectives
on Reading Special Issue of Reader: Essays in
Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy (Michigan Technological U) 35-36
(1996): 1-120. ISSN 0742-9681.
1996. Milan V. Dimic and Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, eds., Comparative
Literature: History and Contemporaneity / Littérature Comparée:
histoire et contemporanéité Thematic Cluster Canadian
Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature
Comparée (Canadian Comparative Literature Association) 23.1
(1996): 1-268. ISSN 0319-051X.
1996. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, ed., History of the Book
and the Study of Literature Thematic Cluster in Canadian Review
of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée
(Canadian Comparative Literature Association) 23.1 (1996): 207-58. ISSN
1996. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, ed., The Systemic and Empirical
Approach to Literature: Theory and Application. Ed. Margarida L. Losa,
Isménia de Sousa, Gonçalo Vilas-Boas. Literatura Comparada:
Os Novos Paradigmas. Porto: Associação Portuguesa
de Literatura Comparada / Afrontamento, 1996. ISBN 972-36-0420-5. Pages
1995. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Sneja Gunew, eds., Postcolonial
Literatures: Theory and Practice / Les Littératures post-coloniales.
Théories et réalisations Special Issue of Canadian
Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature
Comparée (Canadian Comparative Literature Association) 22.3-4
(1995): 399-932, bibliography, and index. ISSN 0319-051X.
1994-97. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, ed. and comp., IGELnews:
International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (Research
Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Alberta) 2 (1994):
1-55; 3 (1995): 1-27; 4 (1996): 1-14; 5 (1997): 1-14. ISSN 1203-2220.
1993. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Milan V. Dimic, eds., (Re)Vision(s)
of Canadian Literature(s) / (Ré)vision(s) de(s)[la] littérature(s)
canadienne(s) Thematic Cluster in Canadian Review of Comparative
Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée
(Canadian Comparative Literature Association) 20.3-4 (1993): 435-89. ISSN
1992. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Art Graesser, eds. and comps.,
Newsletter: International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature(International
Society for the Empirical Study of Literature) 1 (1992): 1-24. ISSN 1203-2220.
1992. Claudine Potvin, Janice Williamson, and Steven Tötösy de
Zepetnek, eds., Women's Writing and the Literary Institution / L'Écriture
au féminin et l'institution littéraire. Edmonton:
Research Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Alberta, Vol.
6, 1992. ISBN 0-921490-07-0. 236 pages. For the table of contents, see
1990. E.D. Blodgett, A.G. Purdy, and S. Tötösy de Zepetnek, eds.,
and Manifestoes / Préfaces et manifestes littéraires.
Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative Literature, University of
Alberta, Vol. 3, 1990. ISBN 0-921490-03-8. 208 pages.
1989. Joseph Pivato, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, and Milan V.
Dimic, eds., Literatures of Lesser Diffusion / Les Littératures
de moindre diffusion Special Issue of Canadian Review of
Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée
(Canadian Comparative Literature Association) 16.3-4 (1989): 555-884. Rpt.
of Lesser Diffusion / Les Littératures de moindre diffusion.
Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative Literature, University of
Alberta, Vol. 4, 1990. ISBN 0921490-05-4. 320 pages.
top of page
articles, book chapters, encyclopedia entries, and introductions
2004. with Carolin Fischer, "German-language Erotic Literature of the Twentieth
Century and to 2002" [incl. the other arts and new media]. Encyclopedia
of Erotic Literature. Ed. Gaëtan Brulotte and John Phillips.
New York: Routledge, 2004. Forthcoming.
2004. "Erotic Literature in Hungarian" [incl. the other arts and new media].
of Erotic Literature. Ed. Gaëtan Brulotte and John Phillips.
New York: Routledge, 2004. Forthcoming.
2003. "Preface to Guernica's Michael Ondaatje." Michael
Ondaatje. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek. Canadian Writers
Series. Toronto: Guernica Editions, 2003. Forthcoming.
2003. "hybride welten und mehrfach gebindestricht." Auf der Suche
nach hybriden Lebensgeschichten. Elka Tschernokoshewa und Marija
Juric-Pahor (Hg.). Reihe Hybride Welten 3. Münster: Waxmann Verlag,
2003. Forthcoming.
2003. "Los estudios culturales comparados y el estudio de la cultura centro-europea:
teoría y aplicación." Trans. Francisco Chico Rico. Estudios
culturales. Ed. Francisco Chico Rico. Thematic Issue of Teoría/Crítica:
Revista publicada por el Seminario de Teoría de la Literature y
Literatura Comparada de la Universidad de Alicante 7 (2000-2001):
2003. "And the 2002 Nobel Prize for Literature Goes to Imre Kertész,
Jew and Hungarian." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A
WWWeb Journal 5.1 (2003): <>.
2002. with Reinhold Viehoff, Clemens Seyfried, and Konstanze Wunneburg.
"A Comparative Analysis of Media Consumption and Cultural Participation
in the US and Germany Today (work-in-progress)." IGEL 2002 Proceedings
(2002): <>.
2002. "From Comparative Literature Today Toward Comparative Cultural Studies."
Literature and Comparative Cultural Studies. Ed. Steven Tötösy
de Zepetnek. West Lafayette: Purdue UP, 2002. 235-67.
2002. "Comparative Cultural Studies and the Study of Central European Culture."
Central European Culture. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek.
West Lafayette: Purdue UP, 2002. 1-32.
2002. "Preface." Comparative Central European Culture. Ed.
Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek. West Lafayette: Purdue UP, 2002. vii-xv.
2002. "Pre-1900 German-Canadian Ethnic Minority Writing." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
(2002): <>.
2002. "The Study of Literature and Culture Online: Theory and Application."
475: Literature and Hypertext. Ed. Joseph Pivato. Athabasca: Athabasca
U, 2002.
2001. "The New Knowledge Management: Online Research and Publishing in
the Humanities." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 3.1 (2001): <>.
2001. "Comparative Cultural Studies and the Study of Translation: Concepts
and Terminology." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal (Library) (2001): <>.
2001. "Constructivism and Comparative Cultural Studies." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library)
2001. "A Manifesto for Gender Responsibility and Equality in Every-Day
Life." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(Library) (2001): <>.
2000-01. "Toward a Framework of Audience Studies." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library)
(2000): <>.
2000-01. "Definitions for the Study of Communication and Culture." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library)
(2000): <>.
2001. "In-Between Borders and Central European Life Writing." Limen:
Journal for Theory and Practice of Liminal Phenomena 2 (2001):
2001. "Audience Studies," "Comparative Cultural Studies," and "Systemic
and Empirical Approach." Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences.
Comp. Robert Drislane and Gary Parkinson. Edmonton: Athabasca U and ICAAP:
International Consortium of Advancement of Academic Publication, 2001.
2001. "Comparative Cultural Studies and Constructivism." Frame: Tijdschrift
voor Literatuurwetenschap 15.1 (2001): 38-60.
2000. "English-language Memoir Literature by Central European Jewish Women."
ZEIT-Schrift für jüdische Kultur 26 (2000): 97-108.
2000. "The Systemic and Empirical Approach, the Theory of In-between
Peripherality, and Their Applications to Diaspora and Ethnic Literatures
and Cultures." Siegfried J. Schmidt
Festschrift. Ed. Achim Barsch, Gebhard Rusch, and Reinhold
Viehoff. Halle: U of Halle-Wittenberg (1999-): <>.
1999. "Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient, 'History,' and the
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal1.4
(1999): <>.
1999. "Toward a Comparative Cultural Studies." Primerjalna knjizevnost
(Comparative Literature) (Slovene Comparative Literature
Association) 22.2 (1999): 85-102.
1999. "From Comparative Literature Today toward Comparative Cultural Studies."
Comparative Literature and
A WWWeb Journal 1.3 (1999): <>.
1999. "Verso una storia degli approcci sistemici ed empirici nello studio
della letteratura e della cultura." Trans. Sonia Di Loreto. L'esperienza
del testo. Ed. Aldo Nemesio. Roma: Meltemi, 1999. 21-40.
1999. "Literary and Filmic Representations of the Titanic Disaster." Poseidon
and the Muses: Proceedings of the International Conference on Arts, Literature
and the Ocean. Ed. Ling Chung, Chen-wan Ting, Chung-wen Kung, I-chun
Wang, Hsiao-yu Sun, and Yen Chen. Sun Yat-sen Journal of the
Humanities. Kaohsiung: College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen
U, 1999. 117-24.
1999. "Configurations of Postcoloniality and National Identity: Inbetween
Peripherality and Narratives of Change." The Comparatist: Journal
of the Southern Comparative Literature Association 23 (1999): 89-110.
1999. "Ethnizität und Zentrum/Peripherie. Deutschland, (östliches)
Mitteleuropa und das kanadische Modell." Kultur, Identität,
Europa. Über die Schwierigkeiten und Möglichkeiten einer Konstruktion.
Ed. Reinhold Viehoff and Rien T. Segers. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1999. 425-41.
1999. "An Introduction to Comparative Literature Now, à l'heure
actuelle." Comparative Literature Now: Theories and Practice / La
Littérature comparée à l'heure actuelle. Théories
et réalisations. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek,
Milan V. Dimic, and Irene Sywenky. Bibliothèque de Littérature
Comparée 5. Paris: Honoré Champion, 1999. 13-18.
1998. "Social Discourse and the Problematics of Theory, Culture, Media,
and Audience." Language and Beyond: Actuality and Virtuality in the
Relations between Word, Image and Sound. Ed. Paul Joret and Aline
Remael. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998. 231-40.
1998. "La literatura comparada y la aproximación sistémica
a la literatura y la cultura." Literatura Comparada. Principios y
métodos. Ed. María José Vega and Neus Carbonell.
Madrid: Gredos, 1998. 215-29.
1998-. Various papers on the application of systems theory for the study
of literature as methodology. Alex Riegler, Web Site: Radical Constructivism
(1998-): <>.
1998. "Social Discourse and Cultural Participation in a Multicultural Society."
Culture and Literatures: And a Taiwan Perspective. Ed. Steven Tötösy
de Zepetnek and Yiu-nam Leung. Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative
Literature, U of Alberta and Hsinchu: Department of Foreign Languages and
Literature, National Tsing Hua U, 1998. 57-69.
1998. "John Adam Rittinger." Dictionary of Canadian Biography 1911-1920.
Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1998. 875-76.
1998. "Estudios postcoloniales: el 'Otro,' el sistema, y una perspectiva
personal, o esto (también) es literatura Comparada." Orientaciones
em literatura comparada. Trans. and ed. Dolores Romero López.
Madrid: Arco, 1998. 199-204.
1998. "Fan Yi Yan Jiu he zheng Ti Hua Fang Fa de Li Lun Yu Shi Jian" ("Translation
Studies and the Systemic Approach to Literature and Culture"). Trans. Geng
Liqin. Waiyu Yu Fanyi (Foreign Languages and Translation)
1 (1998): 15-19.
1997. "Mi opinión acerca del estado actual de la literatura comparada."
comparadas. Ed. María Iribarren. Special issue of
(1997): 59-61.
1997. "Bi Chiao wen Hsue Hsian Chuang Chi Wo Chian (Bi Jiao Wen Xue Xian
Zhuang Zhi Wo Jian)" ("An Opinion on the Current Situation of Comparative
Literature"). Chong Wai Wen Hua Yu Wen Lun (Chinese-Foreign
Cultures & Literary Theories) 3 (1997): 23-26.
1997. "Mimetics and Narration in Berlin Alexanderplatz (Döblin
and Faßbinder)." Parodia, pastiche, mimetismo. Ed.
Paola Mildonian. Roma: Bulzoni, 1997. 317-29.
1997. "The Importance of Cultural Dialogue: A Case Study of Ethnic Minority
Writing and Cultural Participation in Canada." Cultural Dialogue
and Misreading. Ed. Mabel Lee and Meng Hua. U of Sidney World Literature
Series Vol. 1. Sydney: Wild Peony, 1997. 367-76.
1997. "Reading Pornographic Literature: The Author and Gender Appropriation."
Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature and Culture as Theory and
Application. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Irene
Sywenky. Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative Literature, U of
Alberta and Siegen: Institute for Empirical Literature and Media Research,
Siegen U, 1997. 515-25.
1997. "New Developments in Neuroscience and Brain Research with Reference
to Language Acquisition and the Teaching of Foreign Languages." Selected
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on English Teaching.
Ed. Johanna Katchen and Yiu-nam Leung. Taipei: Crane, 1997. 283-89.
1997. "Comparative Literature in 1997: Principles and Obstacles." Neohelicon:
Acta comparationis litterarum universarum 24.2 (1997): 79-83.
1997. "Sexuality and Eroticism in Musil's Die Versuchung der stillen
Veronika." Colloquia Germanica: Internationale Zeitschrift für
Germanistik 30.2 (1997): 131-47.
1997. "Introduction: Text in Context aliasThe Systemic and Empirical
Approach to Literature and Culture." The Systemic and Empirical Approach
to Literature and Culture as Theory and Application. Ed. Steven
Tötösy de Zepetnek and Irene Sywenky. Edmonton: Research Institute
for Comparative Literature, U of Alberta and Siegen: Institute for Empirical
Literature and Media Research, Siegen U, 1997. 1-5.
1997. "The Study of Literature in China and Taiwan Today: Impressions of
a Visitor." East Asian Cultural and Historical Perspectives: Histories
and Society / Culture and Literatures. Ed. Steven Tötösy
de Zepetnek and Jennifer W. Jay. Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative
Literature, U of Alberta, 1997. 341-50.
1996. "Literary Theory, Ethnic Minority Writing, and the Systemic Approach."Ethnic
Minority Writing and Literary Theory. Ed. Joseph Pivato. Special
issue Canadian Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada
28.3 (1996): 100-06.
1996. "Introduction: Reading and Readership from an International Perspective."
Perspectives on Reading. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek.
Special issue of Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism,
and Pedagogy 35-36 (1996): 9-11.
1996. "Readership Research, Cultural Studies, and Canadian Scholarship."
Perspectives on Reading.
Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek. Special issue of Reader: Essays
in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy35-36 (1996):
1996. "The Institution of English: System, Cultural Diversity, and Pedagogy
in Canada." Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on
English Teaching. Ed. David Dai and Peng-hsiang Chen. Taipei: Crane,
1996. 511-24.
1996. "The Impact of the Electronic Revolution on Literary Research: A
Socio-Semiotic Point of View." Dedalus: Revista Portuguesa de Literatura
Comparada 16 (1996): 199-205.
1996. "Ethnicity and Centre/Periphery: Cultural Identity in Germany and
East Central Europe." Culture, Identity, Europe. Ed. Rien
T. Segers. Special issue of SPIEL: Siegener Periodicum zur Internationalen
Empirischen Literaturwissenschaft 14 (1996): 38-49.
1996. "The Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature and Interdisciplinarity:
Some Pragmatic Aspects." Language and Literature Today. Ed.
Neide de Faria. Brasília: University of Brasília, 1996. Vol.
2, 873-79.
1996. "Factors in a Theory of Cumulative Canon Formation: Contemporary
Hungarian and English-Canadian Literature." The Systemic and Empirical
Approach to Literature: Theory and Application. Ed. Steven Tötösy
de Zepetnek. Thematic section in Literatura Comparada: Os Novos Paradigmas.
Ed. Margarida L. Losa, Isménia de Sousa, and Gonçalo Vilas-Boas.
Porto: Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada / Afrontamento,
1996. 369-75.
1996. "The Life Writing of the German-Canadian Pioneer Else Seel (1894-1974)."
The Journal of the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature
of the United States 21.3 (1996): 25-34.
1996. "Margit Kaffka and Dorothy Richardson: A Comparison." Hungarian
Studies 11.1 (1996): 77-95.
1996. "Some Examples of Political Satire in Hungarian Exile Literature:
Systemic Considerations." The Search for a New Alphabet: Literary
Studies in a Changing World. In Honor of Douwe Fokkema. Ed. Harald
Hendrix, Joost Kloek, Sophie Levie, and Will van Peer. Amsterdam: John
Benjamins, 1996. 250-55.
1996. "Urbanity and Postmodern Sensuality: The 'Post-Magyar' Endre Kukorelly."
Literature Today 70.2 (1996): 289-94.
1996. "Concensus ex machina. Teoria dei sistemi e studio della letteratura."
Trans. Isabella Cartasso.I Quaderni di Gaia: almanacco di letteratura
comparata 7.10 (1996): 111-18.
1996. "Wen Xue Ti Xi Hua Yan Jiu Fang Fa Jiang Jie: Wen Xue yu Wen Hua
Yan Jiu de Yi Zhong Jian Gou Yu Fang Fa Lun" ("An Introduction to Systemic
Approaches to Literature: Toward a Framework and Methodology for the Study
of Literature and Culture"). Trans. Ma RuiQi. Guowai wenxüe
(Foreign Literatures) 4 (1996): 3-9.
1996. "Módszer és komparatisztika. Avagy újabb fejlemények
az irodalomelméletben" ("Methodology and Comparative Literature:
Recent Development in Literary Theory"). Alföld. Irodalmi, müvészeti
és kritikai folyóirat 47.7 (1996): 62-73.
1996. "Perspectives of Comparative Literature Today." Comparative Literature:
History and Contemporaneity / Littérature Comparée: histoire
et contemporanéité. Ed. Milan V. Dimic and Steven Tötösy
de Zepetnek. Thematic cluster in Canadian Review of Comparative
Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée
23.1 (1996): 6-14.
1996. "Hogyan tanulmányozza a magyar tudósvilág az
irodalmat? Egy külföldi benyomásai, (talán) kellemetlen
bírálatokkal egybekötve" ("How Do Scholars Study Literature
in Hungary? Impressions of a Foreigner with Critical Observations"). Élet
és Irodalom (Life and Literature) 40.15 (April
12, 1996): 5. Rpt. in Új Toborzó: Az Edmontoni Magyar
Kultúrkör Lapja 4 (1996): 10-11.
1995. "The Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature, the Polysystem
Theory, and Translation Theory: The Importance of Methodology." Studies
in the Humanities 22.1-2 (1995): 12-20.
1995. "Towards a Taxonomy for the Study of Translation." Meta: Journal
des traducteurs / Translators' Journal 40.3 (1995): 421-44.
1995. "Systems Thinking in North American Literary Studies." Empirical
Approaches to Literature. Ed. Gebhard Rusch. Siegen: Institute
for Empirical Literature and Media Research, Siegen U, 1995. Vol. 6, 133-37.
1995. "Early German-Canadian Ethnic Minority Writing." Canadian Ethnic
Studies / Études ethniques au Canada 27.1 (1995): 99-122.
1995. "Canadian Ethnic Minority Writing: A Case Study." Comparatistica:
Annuario Italiano 7 (1995): 105-15.
1995. "Die Literatur deutschsprachiger Kanadier. Liturgische Texte, Romane,
Kurzgeschichten." Auf der Reservebank? Die Kulturbeziehungen zwischen
Deutschland und Kanada. Ed. Hartmut Fröschle and Susanne Sporrer.
Special issue ZfK: Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch 45.2
(1995): 295-98.
1995. "Consensus ex machina: Théorie des systèmes
et étude de la littérature." Littérature et
informatique. La littérature générée par ordinateur.
Ed. Alain Vuillemin and Michel Lenoble. Arras: Artois PU, 1995. 77-86.
1995. "Post-Colonialities: The 'Other,' the System, and a Personal Perspective,
or, This (Too) is Comparative Literature." Postcolonial Literatures:
Theory and Practice / Les Littératures post-coloniales. Théories
et réalisations. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek
and Sneja Gunew, eds. Special issue Canadian Review of Comparative
Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée
22.3-4 (1995): 399-407.
1995. "A Report on Comparative Literature in Beijing, October 1995 / Rapport
sur la littérature comparée à Beijing, Octobre 1995."
Literature in Canada / Bulletin / La Littérature Comparée
au Canada 26.2 (1995): 10-16.
1995. "President's Foreword: IGEL's Aims and Objectives for 1994-96." Empirical
Approaches to Literature. Ed. Gebhard Rusch. Siegen: Institute
for Empirical Literature and Media Research, Siegen U, 1995. Vol. 6, 16-20.
1994. "Comparative Literature and Systemic/Institutional Approaches to
Literature: New Developments." Systems Research: The Official Journal
of the International Federation for Systems Research 11.2 (1994):
1994. "Toward a Theory of Cumulative Canon Formation: Readership in English
Canada." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature27.3
(1994): 107-19.
1994. "Comparative Literature and Applied Cultural Studies, Or,
a Report About the XIVth Triennial Congress of the ICLA/AILC (University
of Alberta, August 1994)." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature
/ Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 21.3 (1994):
1994. "Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient: 'Truth is Stranger
than Fiction'." Michael Ondaatje Issue. Ed. Karen Smythe.
Special issue ECW: Essays on Canadian Writing 53 (1994):
1993. "The Empirical Science of Literature / Constructivist Theory of Literature."
of Contemporary Literary Theory: Approaches, Scholars, Terms. Ed.
Irene R. Makaryk. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1993. 36-39.
1993. "Selected Aspects of Nineteenth-Century English-Canadian and French-Canadian
Novel Prefaces." Reading and Writing Literary Histories.
W.F. Garrett-Petts and Henry Hubert. Special issue Textual Studies
in Canada / Études Textuelles au Canada 3 (1993): 111-37.
1993. "Hesse's 'Das erste Abenteuer': A Socio-literary Analysis." Seminar:
A Journal of Germanic Studies29.3 (1993): 253-60.
1993. "Kaffka Margit prózája. Az irodalmi feminizmus kezdete
Magyarországon" ("The Prose of Margit Kaffka: The Dawn of Feminism
in Hungarian Literature"). Régi és új peregrináció:
magyarok külföldön, külföldiek Magyarországon
(Pregrinations Old and New: Hungarians Abroad and Foreigners in Hungary).
Ed. Imre Békési, József Jankovics, László
Kósa, and Judit Nyerges. Budapest-Vienna: International Association
for Hungarian Studies, 1993. Vol. 2, 1185-94.
1993. with Milan V. Dimic, "Re)Vision(s) of Canadian Literature(s)." Canadian
Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature
Comparée 20.3-4 (1993): 485-87.
1993. with Milan V. Dimic, "Brief Report on the Status of the Organization
of the XIVth Triannual Congress of the International Comparative Literature
Association (University of Alberta, Edmonton, August 15-20, 1994)." Canadian
Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature
Comparée 20.3-4 (1993): 648.
1992. with Philip Kreisel, "Urban English-Speaking Canadian Literary Readership:
the Results of a Pilot Study." Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research
on Literature, the Media and the Arts 21.3 (1992): 211-38.
1992. "Systemic Approaches to Literature -- An Introduction with Selected
Bibliographies." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue
Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 19.1-2 (1992):
1992. "Kosztolányi's Édes Anna: A Socio-Literary Analysis
with Medical Evidence." Neohelicon: Acta comparationis litterarum
universarum 19.2 (1992): 69-85.
1991. "Das Bild der Gesellschaft bei Theodor Fontane und Lajos Tolnai.
Einige literatursoziologische Bemerkungen." Die ungarische Sprache
und Kultur im Donauraum. Ed. Moritz Csáky, Horst Haselsteiner,
Tibor Klaniczay, and Károly Rédei. Budapest: International
Association for Hungarian Studies, 1991. Vol. 2, 825-33.
1991. "In 1991: A Manifesto of Gender Responsibility." Men's Studies
Review: A Quarterly Publication of the Men's Studies Association
8.3 (1991): 16-18.
1990. "The Empirical Science of Literature and the Preface in the Nineteenth-Century
Canadian Novel: A Theoretical Framework Applied." Canadian Review
of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée17.1-2
(1990): 68-84.
1990. "The Empirical Science of Literature and the Nineteenth-Century Canadian
Novel Preface: The Application of a Literary Theory." SPIEL: Siegener
Periodicum zur Internationalen Empirischen Literaturwissenschaft 9.2
(1990): 343-60.
1990. "Nineteenth-Century Canadian Novel Prefaces: Corpus and Literary
System." Prefaces and Manifestoes / Préfaces et manifestes
littéraires. Ed. E.D. Blodgett, A.G. Purdy, and S. Tötösy
de Zepetnek. Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative Literature, U
of Alberta, 1990. 43-55.
1988. "Canonization and Translation in Canada: A Case Study." Traduction,
Terminologie, Rédaction: Traduction et Culture(s) 1.1 (1988):
top of page
2002. "Selected and Annotated Bibliography of German-Canadian Literature
and Criticism." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal (Library) (2002): <>.
2002. "Selected Bibliography for the Study of Central European Culture."
Central European Culture. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek.
West Lafayette: Purdue UP, 2002. 189-206. Online version at <>.
2001. with Steven Aoun and Wendy C. Nielsen, "Bibliography for Work in
Comparative Cultural Studies (History, Theory, Method)." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library)
(2001-): <>.
1999-. "A Selected Shortlist of Comparative Literature (Text)Books in English,
French, and German (1965-1999)." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and
Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library) (1998-): <>.
1999-. "Selected Bibliography of Studies on the Theories, Methods, and
History of Comparative Literature." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library) (1998-): <>.
1999. "A Selected Shortlist of Comparative Literature (Text)Books in English,
French, and German (1965-1999)." Primerjalna knjizevnost (Comparative
Literature) 22.2 (1999): 119-21.
1999. "A Bibliography of the Theories, Methods, and Histories of Comparative
Literature." Comparative Literature Now: Theories and Practice /
La Littérature comparée à l'heure actuelle. Théories
et réalisations. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek,
Milan V. Dimic, and Irene Sywenky. Bibliothèque de littérature
comparée 5. Paris: Honoré Champion, 1999. 863-921.
1998. "Selected Bibliography of Theoretical and Critical Works about Canadian
Ethnic Minority Writing." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal (Library) (1998-): <>.
1998. "Selected Bibliography of Studies about Canadian Ethnic Minority
Writing." Canadian Culture and Literatures. And a Taiwan Perspective.
Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Yiu-nam Leung. Edmonton: Research
Institute for Comparative Literature, U of Alberta and Hsinchu: Department
of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Tsing Hua U, 1998. 289-304.
1997. "A Selected Bibliography of Works in the Systemic and Empirical Approach
to Literature and Culture." The Systemic and Empirical Approach to
Literature and Culture as Theory and Application. Ed. Steven Tötösy
de Zepetnek and Irene Sywenky. Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative
Literature, U of Alberta, Vol. 7, 1997 and Siegen: Institute for Empirical
Literature and Media Research, Siegen U, Vol. 8, 1997. 575-90.
1997. "A Selected Bibliography of Work in Comparative Literature and Literary
Theory." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(1998-): <>.
1997. "A Selected Bibliography of Works in the Systemic and Empirical,
Instititution, and Field Approaches to Literature and Culture (to 1997)."
Comparative Literature and Culture:A WWWeb Journal (Library)
(1998-): <>.
1996. "A Selected Bibliography of Work in Systemic and Empirical Approaches
to Literature, 1970-1995." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal (Library) (1998-): <>.
1996. "Selected Bibliography of Works about Postcolonial Writing (to 1995)."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library)
(1998-): <>.
1996. "A Selected Bibliography of Theoretical and Critical Texts about
Canadian Ethnic Minority Writing." Literary Theory and Ethnic Minority
Writing. Ed. Joseph Pivato. Special Issue of Canadian Ethnic
Studies / Études ethniques au Canada 28.3 (1996): 210-23.
1995. "Toward a Working and Cumulative Bibliography of Studies in the Systemic
and Empirical Approach to Literature -- No. 2." IGELnews: International
Society for the Empirical Study of Literature 3 (1995): 10-26.
1995. and Sneja Gunew, "Postcolonial Literatures: A Selected Bibliography
of Theory and Criticism." Postcolonial Literatures: Theory and Practice
/ Les Littératures post-coloniales. Théories et réalisations.
Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Sneja Gunew. Special Issue of Canadian
Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature
Comparée 22.3-4 (1995): 893-915.
1994. "Toward a Working and Cumulative Bibliography of Studies in the Systemic
and Empirical Approach to Literature." IGEL Newsletter: International
Society for the Empirical Study of Literature2 (1994): 10-55.
1993. and Yan Qigang, comps., "Cumulative Index: 1.1 (Winter 1974) to 20.3-4
(1993) Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne
de Littérature Comparée." Canadian Review of Comparative
Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée
20.3-4 (1993): 583-646.
1992. "Systemic Approaches to Literature: An Introduction with Selected
Bibliographies." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue
Canadienne de Littérature Comparée19.1-2 (1992):
1990. "Literary Works by German-Speaking Canadians and Their Critical Appraisal:
A Selected and Annotated Bibliography with an Introduction." Literatures
of Lesser Diffusion / Les Littératures de moindre diffusion.
Ed. Joseph Pivato, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, and Milan V. Dimic.
Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative Literature, U of Alberta,
Vol. 4, 1990. 115-32.
1989. "Literary Works by German-Speaking Canadians and Their Critical Appraisal:
A Selected and Annotated Bibliography with an Introduction." Literatures
of Lesser Diffusion / Les littératures de moindre diffusion.
Joseph Pivato, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, and Milan V. Dimic.
Thematic Issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue
Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 16.3-4 (1989):
top of page
Course syllabi<>
2003. The Journalist: History, Function, Image (University of Halle-Wittenberg),
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2003):
2003. Foundational Texts of Media Studies (University of Halle-Wittenberg),
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2003):
2003. Intercultural Communication (University of Halle-Wittenberg), CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2003):
2003. Bilingual German-English Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies
(University of Halle-Wittenberg), CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture (Library) (2003): <>.
2002-03. History of the Newspaper (University of Halle-Wittenberg), CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2002-03):
2002-03. Media Studies in the U.S.A, the U.K., Australia, and Canada,
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2002-03):
2002-03. Publishing and New Media Publishing (University of Halle-Wittenberg),CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2002-03):
2002-03. History of the Book, Publishing, and Reading (University of Halle-Wittenberg),
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2002-03):
2002-03. Communication and Conflict Management (University of Halle-Wittenberg),
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2002-03):
2002. Mass Communikation und Media Politics in the USA and Canada (University
of Halle-Wittenberg), CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture
(2002): <>.
2002. Mass Communication and Ethnic Minorities in the USA and Canada (University
of Halle-Wittenberg), CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture
(2002): <>.
2002. Mass Media, Gender, and the World Wide Web (University of Halle-Wittenberg),
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2002):<>.
Audience Studies (University of Halle-Wittenberg), CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture (Library) (2002): <>.
2000-01. "The Study of Literature and Culture Online: Theory and Application"
(Athabasca University), CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture
(2000): <>.
2000-01. Mass Communication and Audience (Northeastern University), CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2000-01):
2000-01. Communication and New Media (Northeastern University), CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2000-01):
2000-01. Introduction to Mass Communication (Northeastern University),
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2000-01):
2000-01. Communication and Gender (Northeastern University), CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2000-01):
Book reviews
1999. "Memories of Hungary: A Review Article of New
Books by Suleiman and Teleky." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.1 (1999): <>.
1998. "Susan Rubin Suleiman, Budapest Diary: In Search of the Motherbook.
U of Nebraska P, 1997. 232 pp. and Richard Teleky, Hungarian Rhapsodies:
Essays on Ethnicity, Identity and Culture. Seattle: U of Washington
P, 1997. 217 pp." MfS: Modern Fiction Studies 44.2 (1998):
1988. "Wolf Schmid (Ed.). Mythos in der slawischen Moderne. (Wiener
Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 20.) Wien: Gesellschaft zur Förderung
slawistischer Studien, 1987. 421 pp." Canadian Slavonic Papers 30.3
(1988): 379-80.
Papers in
2002. "Towards a History of Hungarian-Canadians in
Alberta." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal (Library) (2002): <>.
1998. "Pál Oszkár Esterházy."Dictionary of Canadian
Biography 1911-1920. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1998. Vol. 14, 344-46.
1993. "A History of the Hungarian Cultural Society of Edmonton, 1946-1986."
Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada 25.2 (1993):
1992. "Alberta-i magyarság" ("Hungarian Albertans") pp. 35-36; "Edmonton-i
magyar egyesületek és egyházak" ("Hungarian Organizations
and Churches in Edmonton") (16 entries) pp. 448-49; "Edmonton-i magyarok"
("Hungarians in Edmonton") p. 450. Encyclopaedia Hungarica.
Ed. László Bagossy. Altona: D.W. Friesen, 1992-1996. Vol.
1, A-H.
top of page
in editing and publishing (for
a list of items, see below)
2001-. Series Editor, Books in Comparative Cultural Studies, Purdue
University Press <>.
1999-. Editor, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal (ISSN 1481-4374), 1999-2000: Faculty of Arts, University
of Alberta at <>, 2000-: Purdue
University Press <>
at <>.
1989-97. Associate editor (1994-97), Desktop Publisher (1989-97), Assistant
Editor (1989-94), CRCL/RCLC: Canadian Review of Comparative Literature
/ Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (ISSN
0319-051X), Canadian Comparative Literature Association.
1989-99. In-house editor and desktop publisher of the Publishing Program
of the Research Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Alberta.
0-921490- (see <>).
1981-82. Editorial assistant, Les Littératures de langues
européennes au tournant du siècle: Lectures d'aujourd'hui
0-7709-0107-7), School of Comparative Literature, Carleton University
Selected publications about
Steven Totosy's work
Dick Schram (Vrije and Utrecht Universities, Netherlands). "ESL ter discussie."
Tijdschrift voor Literatuurwetenschap 15.1 (2001): 77-80.
Tomo Virk (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). "Primerjalna knjizevnost
danes -- in jutri?" ("Comparative Literature Today -- and Tomorrow?").
knijezvnost 24.2 (2001): 9-31.
Constantin Severin (University "Stefan Cel Mare," Romania). "Interview
with Professor Steven Totosy de Zepetnek." Noul Continent
1.1-4 (2000): 101-06.
Dolores Romero López (ISLTYNT, Madrid and University of Nottingham).
"Aproximación al problema de la formación del canon en literatura
comparada." Signa: Revista de la Asociación Española
Semiótica 9 (2000): 567-79.
Clemens Seyfried (College of Pedagogy, Linz, Austria). "Annäherungen
an Kreativität. Kreativität im Schnittpunkt persönlicher
Erfahrung und professioneller Arbeit." Pädaktuell. Fachzeitschrift
der Pädagogischen Akademie der Diözese Linz 2 (2000):
Frans-Willem Korsten (Utrecht University, Netherlands). "SASOTRT(L)T: How
the Empirical Study of Literature Started With the Wrong Name and How It
Did Not Truly Substantiate What It Promised." Frame: Tijdschrift
voor Literatuurwetenschap 14.2-3 (2000): 28-42.
"Tötösy István Ernö; Tötösy de Zepetnek,
Steven." A magyar emigráns irodalom lexikona (Encyclopedia
of Hungarian Emigré Literature). Ed. Csaba Nagy. Budapest:
Argumentum, 2000. 979-80.
Montserrat Iglesias Santos (University of Carlos III de Madrid, Spain).
"Introducción." Teoría de los polisistemas.
Ed. Montserrat Iglesias Santos. Madrid: Arco, 1999. 9-20.
Yiu-nam Leung (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), "An Interview with
Professor Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek." Tamkang Review: A
Quarterly of Comparative Studies between Chinese and Foreign Literatures
(1999): 139-52.
Jola Skulj (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), "Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWW Journal." Primerjalna knjizevnost 22.2
(1999): 103-07.
Franca Sinopoli (University of Rome, Italy), "Gli strumenti do lavoro del
comparatista." Introduzione alla letteratura comparata. Ed.
Armando Gnisci. Milano: Bruno Mondadori, 1999. 341-48.
Ernst Grabovszki (University of Vienna, Austria), "Ein Gespräch mit
dem kanadischen Literaturwissenschaftler Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek:
Geisteswissenschaft als Berufung." Wiener Zeitung (30-31
July 1999): 8, 13.
top of page
papers, public lectures, and invited guest lectures
2003. "Imre Kertesz and the 2002 Nobel Prize in Literature in the German,
Hungarian, and the US and Canadian Media," The Cultures of Post-1989
Central and East Europe: An International Conference <>,
Georghe Sincai Institute of the Romanian Academy of Sciences and Petru
Maior University, Targ Mures, Romania, August 2003.
2003. "Imre Kertesz and the 2002 Nobel Prize in Literature in the German
and Hungarian Media," invited paper, 28th Annual Conference of the AHEA:
American Hungarian Educators, Columbia University, New York, April
2003. "An Introduction to Queer Theory in Culture and Literature Studies,"
invited public lecture, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle,
Germany, January 2003.
2002. "Minor Cultures, National Culture, and the Administration of Culture,"
Workshop and Panel Interculturality, Multiculturality, and Comparative
Cultural Studies (Steven Tötösy, Organizer and Chair), international
conference convened by the Research Institute for Austrian and International
Literature and Cultural Studies <>,
Vienna, Austria, December 2002.
2002. "A View at Media Consumption of University Students in the USA and
Germany Today" and "Comparative Humanities in the Twenty-First Century
and the Study of Literature and Culture," invited lectures, Department
of General and Comparative Literary Theory, Ghent University, Belgium,
November 200
2002. and Reinhold Viehoff, Clemens Seyfried, and Konstanze Wunneburg.
"A Comparative Analysis of Media Consumption and Cultural Participation
in the US and Germany Today (work-in-progress)," Panel Comparative Cultural
Studies (Steven Tötösy and Reinhold Viehoff, Organizers),
8th biannual conference of IGEL: International Society for the Empirical
Study of Literature <>,
Janus Pannonius University at Pécs, Hungary, August 2002.
2002. "Buntes Kanada. Ethnisches Mosaik," invited lecture, German-Canadian
Association Halle, June 2002.
2002. "New Media Technology and the Humanities," invited public lecture,
Department of Linguistics and Literature and Department of English, Florida
Atlantic University, February 2002.
2000. "Comparative Cultural Studies and Post-1989 Central European Culture,"
Panel Comparative Cultural Studies and Post-1989 Central European Culture,Hungarian
Discussion Group (Steven Tötösy, Organizer and Chair) <>,
annual convention of the Modern Language Association of America, Washington,
D.C., December 2000.
2000. "Comparative Literature Today, Comparative Cultural Studies Tomorrow,
and New Media Scholarship," invited public lecture, Program in Comparative
Literature and Cultural Studies, University of Connecticut, October 2000.
2000. "New Media Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences," Comparative
Cultural Studies: New Work in Psychology and Literature, New Media Scholarship,
and the Appreciation of Art (Steven Tötösy, Organizer and
Chair) <>,
Association of Empirical Aesthetics, New School for Social Research,
New York, N.Y., August 2000.
2000. "Central European Life Writing in the United States and Canada,"
invited speaker at Forum and Workshop European Integration and the Changes
in European Boundary Constructions: Collective Identities, Citizenship,
and Europeanness in Western and Eastern Europe, European University
Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy, April 2000.
2000. "New Media Scholarship and the Humanities," invited speaker at Linguaggi
e siti: la storia on line <>,
Department of History and Civilization, University of Firenze and European
University Institute, Firenze, Italy, April 2000.
1999. "A Taxonomy of Central European Culture," Central European Culture
Today, Canadian Centre for Austrian and Central European Studies, University
of Alberta and Banff, Alberta, September 1999.
1999. "Toward a Comparative Cultural Studies" and "LiteraturEN in Kanada.
Ein Überblick," invited lecture tour, universities of Innsbruck, Vienna,
Graz, Klagenfurt, and Department of Social Sciences, Ministry for Science
and Transportation, Wien, Austria, June 1999.
1999. "Central European Cultural Identity, Diasporas, and Jewish-Hungarian
Women's Writing," Comparative Culture and Hungarian Studies (Steven
Tötösy, Organizer and Chair), 24th Annual Conference of the
American Hungarian Educators' Association, John Carroll University,
Cleveland, USA, April 1999.
1998. "Literary and Filmic Representations of the Titanic Disaster," Poseidon
and the Muses: Arts, Literature, and the Ocean: An International Conference,
College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung and
"The Discipline of Comparative Literature: Toward and Intellectual and
Institutional History," invited lectures, Department of English, National
Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 1998.
1998. "The Discipline of Comparative Literature: Toward an Intellectual
and Institutional History" and "Comparative Literature in Canada: Toward
an Intellectual and Institutional History," invited guest lectures, Department
of English and Institute for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies,
Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China, December 1998.
1998. "Die ungarische Revolution in 1956 und ihre Spiegelung in Exilliteratur,"
invited guest lecture, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und
Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, Leipzig, Germany, June 1998.
1998. "The 1956 Hungarian Revolution in Literature: Aspects of Exile, Memory,
and Shifting Perspectives," War and Memory: Historical Transmission
and Cultural Representation (Susan Rubin Suleiman and Marianne Hirsch,
organizers), American Comparative Literature Association, University
of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA, March 1998.
1998. "The Necessity of Method in the Study and Teaching of Literature,"
and the the Study and Teaching of Literature (Steven Tötösy
and Aldo Nemesio, organizers), Congress of the International Association
of Empirical Aesthetics, University of Rome "La Sapienza," Rome, Italy,
September 1998.
1997. "How is Comparative Literature?" invited guest lecture, Departments
of Modern Languages and English, University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA, December
1997. "A Theory of Inbetween Peripherality and Its Application to Diasporic
Literatures," Post- Modernities and Ethnic Minority Writing: Theory
and Application / Post-modernités et la littérature minoritaire
ethnique. Théories et réalisations (Steven Tötösy,
Organizer and Chair), congress of the International Comparative Literature
Association / Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée,
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands, August 1997.
1997. "The English Patient Reconsidered: Aspects of Media and Public
Discourse," Theoretical and Methodological Innovation in the Study of
Literature: The Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature and Culture
(Steven Tötösy, Organizer and Chair), congress of the International
Comparative Literature Association /Association Internationale de Littérature
Comparée, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands, August
1997. "Toward a History of the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature
/ Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 1974-96,"
Research on Literature (Aldo Nemesio, Chair), International Association
of Literary Semantics, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, September
1997. "Social Discourse and Cultural Participation in a Multicultural Society"
(Steven Tötösy, Chair), 1997 International Conference on Canadian
Studies, National Tsing Hua University at Taipei and Hsinchu, Taiwan,
April 1997.
1996. "New Developments in Neuroscience and Brain Research with Reference
to Language Acquisition and the Teaching of Foreign Languages," invited
lecture at the 5th International Conference of the English Teachers'
Association of the Republic of China, National Taiwan Normal University,
Taipei, Taiwan, November 1996.
1996. "The Translation of Literature: Theory and Application" and Workshop
on Translation Theory, Graduate School for Translation and Interpreting,
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, November 1996.
1996. "Reader-Response to Authorial Gender Specificity in the Narrative
of Pornographic Literature," Vth Biannual Conference of the International
Society for the Empirical Study of Literature, University of Alberta
at the Nakoda Lodge Centre for Conferences, Alberta, Canada, August 1996.
1996. "Recent Impressions of the Intellectual and Institutional Situation
of the Study of Literature and Literary Theory in China and Taiwan," Annual
Conference of Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Canada, June 1996.
1996. "Philosophy and Literature: The Former East Germany and Hungary Today,"
Imagination: Literature and Philosophy in the Postcommunist Restructuring
of Eastern Europe (Christian Moraru, Chair), 20th Annual Conference
of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, George
Mason University, Fairfax, USA, May 1996.
1996. "Legitimizing the Study of Literature" (National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu), "Systemic Approaches to Literature and Culture" (National Tsing
Hua University, Hsinchu), "Legitimizing the Study of Literature" (National
Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu), "The Problematics of Cultural Identity
and/in Literature" (Fu Jen Catholic University, Hsinchuong), invited lecture
tour, Taiwan, April 1996.
1996. "Postcolonial Literature and Ethnic Minority Writing," "Comparative
Literature: New Trends in Theory and Method," "Applications in a New Comparative
Literature," and "A Description of Comparative Literature and the Study
of Literature in Canada Today: Intellectual and Institutional Positions,"
invited public lectures, Department of English and Institute of Comparative
Literature and Culture, Peking University, Beijing, China, April 1996.
1996. "Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature: A World View for the
Study of Literature and Culture," invited guest lecture, Department of
Chinese, Beijing Normal University, China, April 1996.
1995. "The Narrative of Change in East Central Europe: A New Marginality?"
Thought and Prepostmodern Cultures" (Marcel Cornis-Pope, Chair), Modern
Language Association of America Convention, Chicago, USA, December
1995. "The Institution of English: System, Cultural Diversity, and Pedagogy,"
at the Fourth International Symposium of the English Teachers' Association
of the Republic of China, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung,
Taiwan, November 1995.
1995. "Literature and Translation: The Importance of Methodology," invited
public lecture, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National
Chung Cheng University, Min-Hsiung, Taiwan, November 1995.
1995. "Cultural Identity and Economic Performance in Central Europe: Austria
and Hungary," Conference on European Cultural Identity, Martin Luther
University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany, November 1995.
1995. "The Importance of Cultural Dialogue: A Case Study of Ethnic Minority
Writing and Cultural Participation in Canada," invited lecture, International
Conference on Cultural Dialogue and Cultural Misreading, Peking University,
Beijing, China, October 1995.
1995. "Translation Theories Applied: The Nitra School, the Polysystem Theory,
and the Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature," invited guest lecture,
Department of English, Peking University, Beijing, China, October 1995.
1995. "The Lifewriting of the German-Canadian Pioneer Else Seel (1894-1974),"
International Conference of the British Comparative Literature Association,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, July 1995.
1995. "Factors in a Theory of Cumulative Canon Formation: Contemporary
Hungarian and English-Canadian Literature," invited guest lecture, Simpósio
da Associação Internacional para o Estudo Empírico
da Literatura, Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada,
University of Porto, Portugal, May 1995.
1995. "Multikulturalismus, ethnische Literaturen und kanadische Identität,"
invited guest lecture, Department of Media Studies, University of Halle-Wittenberg,
Halle, Germany March 1995.
1995. "The Canadian Literatures" (Gáspár Károli University,
Budapest), "Literary Theory and the Information Revolution" and "The Canadian
Cultural Industry and Literary Reading" (József Attila University,
Szeged), and "The Politics of Education and the Modern University" (Janus
Pannonius University, Pécs), invited public lectures, Hungary,
March-April 1995.
1994. "Extra Hungariam (non)est vita: Political Satire in Hungarian
Exile Literature," annual convention of the Modern Language Association
of America Convention, San Diego, USA, December 1994.
1994. "Systems Thinking in North American Literary Studies," 4th Biannual
Conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, August 1994.
1994. "Readership Research in Canada: Results and Problems," Round Table
3 (Steven Tötösy, Chair), XIVth Congress of the International
Comparative Literature Association, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Canada, August 1994.
1994. "The Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature, the Polysystem
Theory, and Translation Theory: The Importance of Methodology," Canadian
Association for Translation Studies / Association Canadienne de traductologie,
Learned Societies, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, June 1994.
1994. "The Impact of the Electronic Revolution on Literary Research: A
Socio-Semiotic Point of View," Canadian Semiotics Association / Association
canadienne de sémiotique, Canadian Learned Societies,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, June 1994.
1994. "Radical Constructivism and the Systemic and Empirical Approach to
Literature," conference of the International Association for Philosophy
and Literature, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, May 1994.
1994. "The Study of Literature, consensus ex machina, and Systems
Theory" at the International Conference of the Association for Literary
and Linguistic Computing & Association for Computing in the Humanities,
Sorbonne, Paris, April 1994.
1993. "German-Speaking Canadians and Acculturation," invited public lecture,
Faculty of Arts, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Canada, December 1993.
1993. "Perceptions of Realism in Döblin's Berlin Alexanderplatz
and Faßbinder's Berlin Alexanderplatz," International Conference,
pastiche, mimétisme, Università degli studi di Venezia,
Venice, Italy, October 1993.
1993. "Ondaatje's The English Patient: Historicity and the Other,"
invited public lecture, University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany,
October 1993.
1993. "Erziehung, Erziehungswissenschaft und Multikulturalität in
Kanada," invited public lecture, Pedagogische Hochschule der Erzdiözese
Linz, Linz, Austria, October 1993.
1993. "The Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature and Interdisciplinarity:
Theory and Application," XIXth Congress of the Fédération
Internationale des Languages and Littératures Modernes (FILLM),
University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil, August 1993.
1993. "Systemic Approaches to Literature and Comparative Literature: New
Developments," International Society for the Systems Sciences, Ryerson
Polytechnic University, Toronto, Canada, June 1993.
1993. "Comparative Literature and Its Present Situation," invited public
lecture, József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary, May 1993.
1993. "What Do We Read?: The 'Canon' and English-Canadian Readership,"
Annual Conference of Canadian Studies, Cambridge University, Cambridge,
United Kingdom, March 1993.
1992. "English-Canadian Readers' Perception of 'Truth' and 'Fact'
in Fiction: Nineteenth-Century and Contemporary Examples,"3rd Biannual
Conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature,
Memphis State University and Rhodes College, Memphis, USA, May 1992.
1991. "Urban English-Canadian Readership: Selected Results of a Pilot Project,"
invited public lecture, Institute for Empirical Literature and Media Research,
Siegen University, Siegen, Germany, August 1991.
1991. "A feminizmus kezdete a modern magyar irodalomban: Kaffka Margit
prózája" ("The Origin of Feminist Writing in Modern Hungarian
Literature: The Prose of Margit Kaffka"), World Congress of Hungarian
Studies, József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary, August 1991.
1991. "Aspects of Literature Drawn from a Readership Survey Conducted in
an Urban Environment," Canadian Comparative Literature Association,
Learned Societies, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, May 1991.
1991. "Selected Prose by Margit Kaffka and Dorothy Richardson: An Analysis
from a Feminist Point of View," Hungarian Studies Association, Canadian
Learned Societies, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, May 1991.
1987. "Nineteenth-Century Canadian Prefaces: A Comparative Approach," The
History of the Literary Institution in Canada, University of Alberta,
Research Institute for Comparative Literature, Edmonton, Canada, November
1987. "Canonization and Translation in Canada: A Case Study," German-Canadian
Studies, Canadian Learned Societies, McMaster University, Hamilton,
Canada, May 1987.
1987. "Towards a History of German-Canadian Literature,"Department of
Comparative Literature Lecture Series, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Canada, March 1987.
1986. "Das Bild der Gesellschaft bei Theodor Fontane und Lajos Tolnai,"
Congress of Hungarian Studies, University of Vienna, Austria, September
1986. "History as Allusion: Eötvös' Magyarország 1514-ben,"
Hungarian Educators' Association, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada,
May 1986.
1986. "The Polysystem Theory of Literature and the Translation of German-Canadian
Ethnic Literature," Canadian Comparative Literature Association,
Learned Societies, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, May 1986.
1986. "Edmonton's Hungarian Community," Hungarian Studies Association,
Learned Societies, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, May 1986.
1986. "The Polysystem Theory of Literature and the Question of German-Canadian
'Ethnic' Literature," Department of Comparative Literature Lecture Series,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, January 1986.
1985. "An Introduction to Modern Hungarian Literature," Department of
Comparative Literature Lecture Series, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Canada, October 1985.
1985. "Fiction and Society in the Novels of Lajos Tolnai," Hungarian
Studies Association, Canadian Learned Societies, Université
de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, June 1985.
top of page
of conferences, panels, and workshops
Media and Culture Studies 1: Gender and Media and Comparative Media
and Culture Studies 2: Culture Policy and the Administration of Culture,
workshop panels at the international conference,
The Unifying Aspect
of Cultures, Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature
and Cultural Studies <>,
Vienna, Austria, November 2003.
Cultures of Post-1989 Central and East Europe <>,
with Carmen Andras (Georghe Sincai Institute of the Social Sciences and
Humanities, Romanian Academy of Sciences) and Magdalena Marsovszky (München
and Viadrina University Frankfurt/Oder), international conference, Georghe
Sincai Institute and Petru Maior University, Targu Mures/Marosvásárhely,
Romania, August 2003.
Cultural Studies 1: Culture, Cultural Policy, and the Media,
Cultural Studies 2: Culture and Otherness, Comparative Cultural Studies
3: Culture, Autobiography, and Translation, and Comparative
Cultural Studies 4: Aspects of Literature and Perspectives of Culture,
workshop panels at the international conference,
The Contemporaneousness
of the Non-Contemporaneous, Research Institute for Austrian and International
Literature and Cultural Studies <>,
Vienna, Austria, December 2002.
Cultural Studies, with Reinhold Viehoff (U Halle-Wittenberg), panel,
8th biannual conference of IGEL: International Society for the Empirical
Study of Literature <>,
Janus Pannonius University, Pécs, Hungary, August 2002.
Cultural Studies and Post-1989 Central European Culture <>,
Hungarian Discussion Group, Annual Convention, MLA: Modern Language
Association of America, Washington, D.C., USA, December 2000.
Cultural Studies: New Work in Psychology and Literature, New Media Scholarship,
and the Appreciation of Art <>,
panel, 16th congress of the IAEA: International Association of Empirical
Aesthetics <>,
New School University, New York, USA, August 2000.
European Culture Today: An Invitational International Conference,
Centre for Austrian and Central European Studies, University of Alberta
and Banff, Canada, September 1999.
Culture and Hungarian Studies, 24th annual conference,
Hungarian Educators' Association, John Carroll University, Cleveland,
USA, April 1999.
and the Study of Literature and Culture, panel, with Aldo Nemesio (U
of Torino), 15th biannual congress of the IAEA: International Association
of Empirical Aesthetics, Università degli Studi di Roma "La
Sapienza," Rome, Italy, September 1998.
and Methodological Innovation in the Study of Literature: The Systemic
and Empirical Approach to Literature and Culture, panel, 15th triennial
congress of the ICLA/AILC: International Comparative Literature Association
/ Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée,
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands, August 1997.
International Conference on Canadian Studies, with Yiu-nam Leung (National
Tsing Hua University), National Tsing Hua University at Taipei and Hsinchu,
Taiwan, April 1997.
Literature on the Internet, panel, 5th international symposium and
book fair of the English Teachers' Association, National Taiwan
Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, November 1996.
1996. 5th Biannual Conference of IGEL: International Society
for the Empirical Study of Literature, University of Alberta at the
Nakoda Lodge Conference Centre, Banff, Canada, August 1996.
and Readership: Theories, Application, Practice / Lecture et lecteurs:
théories, application, pratique, 14th triennial congress of
the ICLA/AILC: International Comparative Literature Association / Association
Internationale de Littérature Comparée, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, August 1994.
Triennial Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association
/ Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée,
with Milan V. Dimic, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, August 1994.
Twentieth-Century Hungarian Feminist Literature, panel, 3rd World
Congress of Hungarian Studies, Attila József University, Szeged,
Hungary, August 1991.
on Language, Culture, and Literary Identity in Canada, with Michael
Gnarowski, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May 1984.
Fellowship for Senior Scholars, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Program
"Domus Hungarica Scientiarum et Artium") for Project Central European
Culture in Austrian and Hungarian Social Discourse, Summer 2000.
Funding for the organization of Central European Culture Today: An Invitational
International Conference, hosted by the Canadian Centre for Austrian
and Central European Studies, University of Alberta, September 1999, Can$
25,300.00 from the University of Alberta President's Office and the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, Austria.
Invited Lecture Tour, funded by the Canadian Studies Program of the University
of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, and the universities of Vienna, Graz,
Klagenfurt, and Ministry of Science and Education (Austria), June 1999.
Funding, with Earle H. Waugh (Chair, Department of Modern Languages and
Comparative Studies, University of Alberta), for a new position in Chinese
and Western Comparative Literature and Culture at the University of Alberta
from the Taiwan Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly
Exchange, US$ 100,000.00, 1996-97 (renewed for 2000-03).
Funding, with Yiu-nam Leung, for the organization of the 1997 Taiwan
International Conference on Canadian Studies in Taipei and Hsinchu,
April 1997, US$ 20,000.00 from the Canadian Trade Office, Taipei, Can$
5,000.00 from the International Council for Canadian Studies, Can$ 800.00
from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Canada and US$ 17,000.00
from the Taiwan Ministry of Education, as well as limited private donations
and sponsorship.
Funding for the IVth Conference of the International Society for the
Empirical Study of Literature, the University of Alberta President's
Office (Can$ 1,000.00), the University of Alberta Conference Fund (Can$
2,000.00), and the Siegen University Institute for Empirical Literature
and Media Research (US$ 2,000.00), August 1996.
Funding for a lecture tour at four universities in Taiwan, by the Taiwan
National Science Council (Can$ 4,000.00), April 1995.
Funding for honorarium and accomodation expenses by the Chinese Education
Commission, the Department of English, and the Research Institute for Comparative
Literature and Culture, Peking University, as Visiting Professor (Can$
1,500.00), April-May 1996.
Funding for conference participation, lecture series, and representation
of Canadian Studies in China from the "Cultural Personalities Exchange
Program," External Affairs and International Trade Canada (Can$ 1,600.00),
October 1995.
Grants for Summer Graduate Student Employment as Editorial Assistants and
Publishing Trainees (STEP, Province of Alberta and SEED, Government of
Canada), 1990 (2 positions Can$ 2,500.00/each); 1991 (Can$ 2,600.00); 1995
(Can$ 2,770.00).
Grants for International Representation and conference participation, Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 1993 (Can$ 3,100.00); 1994 (Can$
3,100.00); Central Research Funding, University of Alberta, 1992 (Can$
1,500.00); 1993 (Can$ 2,200.00); 1994 (Can$ 1,120.00).
Funding, with M.V. Dimic, for the organization and hosting of the XIVth
Triannual Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association,
1992-94: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, "Aid
to International Congresses in Canada" (Can$ 20,000.00); Department of
Heritage Canada ($ 7,500); International Association of Canadian Studies
(Can$ 5,000.00); Department of External Affairs Canada ($ 5,000.00); University
of Alberta Conference Fund (Can$ 3,000.00); Gulbenkian Foundation (Portugal)
(Can$ 2,500.00); UNESCO ($ 5,000.00), etc.
Funding, with M.V. Dimic, for the publication of the Canadian Review
of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée,
from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, "Aid
to Scholarly Journals," 1992-95 (Can$ 12,400.00/year); 1996-99 (Can$11,400.00/year).
Group Research Grant, with M.V. Dimic, R. Dionne, L. Lequin, E. Padolsky,
and J. Pivato, from the Multiculturalism Directorate, Secretary of State
Canada, "Problems in/of Canadian Ethnic Minority Writing," 1990-92 (Can$
Research Grant, Research Institute for Comparative Literature, "Readership
Survey," 1989 (Can$ 1,000.00).
Funding for the publication of Literatures of Lesser Diffusion/Les Littératures
de moindre diffusion Special issue of the Canadian Review of Comparative
Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 16.3-4
(1989) from the Multiculturalism Directorate, Secretary of State Canada,
1989 (Can$ 7,500.00).
Graduate Research Assistantship, Department of Comparative Literature,
University of Alberta: 1988 (Can$ 12,000.00); 1989 (Can$ 12,000.00).
The University of Alberta Hungarian Studies Scholarship, 1986 (Can$ 500.00).
The University of Alberta Henry Kreisel Scholarship in Canadian Literature,
1985 (Can$ 500.00).
Funding for the research and writing of "The History of the Edmonton Hungarian
Cultural Society 1946-1986" from the Edmonton Hungarian Cultural Society,
1985-87 (Can$ 2,000.00).
Funding for the research of "A History of German-Canadian Literature" from
the Multiculturalism Directorate, Secretary of State Canada, 1983-84 (Can$
The University of Western Ontario Dean's Honours List, 1979.
membership in learned associations
ACLA: American Comparative Literature Association <> / CCLA: Canadian Comparative Literature Association (life member)<> / IAEA: International Association of Empirical Aesthetics <>/ ICLA: International Comparative Literature Association (life member) <ICLA: International Comparative Literature Association> / MLA: Modern Language Association of America <>
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