CLA News Release

Canadian Library Association News Release

Manitoba Library Association Acquires CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People.

Ottawa, ON, April 21, 1995

In a joint announcement, the Canadian Library Association today announced the sale of CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People (also known as ``Canadian Materials") to the Manitoba Library Association.

Manitoba is well known for its pioneering efforts in promoting and reviewing Canadian children's materials. Current Manitoba Library Association President John Tooth is a former convener of the CM editorial board, and the 1994/95 convener of the board, Lorrie Andersen, is also a Manitoban. The Manitoba Library Association received more than a dozen letters of support for the acquisition from Canada's library community nationally.

In announcing the acquisition, MLA President John Tooth said, ``The Manitoba Library Association has the expertise necessary to operate and give leadership to a new CM. While CM will be operated by a local management board, the board and staff of CM will be working with a national editorial advisory committee of prominent individuals in the publishing, writing, and library communities."

Patricia Cavill, President of the Canadian Library Association, said, ``We are sorry that Canadian Materials is leaving CLA, but in the past year we have become increasingly oriented towards delivering core services to the Associations members. As a subscription-based activity, CM could not be given high priority within the Association. Staff time previously devoted to CM will be reallocated to member services and revenue-generating programs that reflect the priorities of CLA's strategic plan. I am personally delighted that the reviewing of Canadian children's materials will be taking advantage of technology to deliver CM electronically."

The Manitoba Library Association has secured first-year funding for the publication, and plans to publish 52 electronic issues per year, available to subscribers on the world-wide web, or delivered to their e-mail addresses. Libraries in Manitoba will receive a free one-year subscription, and subscribers to the former paper version will receive a two-month free trial.

Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364

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