CM March 8,
1996. Vol. II, Number 21

Notable Web

Every week, CM presents a brief collection of noteworthy, useful, or just interesting sites we've turned up and actually checked.

Please send us URLs and evaluations of any web-sites you think deserve the exposure.


Canoe is not about Canoes; it's a brand-new on-line news venture from some of Canada's biggest media organizations -- like the Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa Suns, the Financial Post, and Maclean's. They promise to update their stories twenty-four hours a day (as we finish production on this issue of CM, top stories are about the band ``Rusty's" recent success at the Junos, on Andre Agassi's engagement, and, oh, yeah, the afermath of the new Federal budget.)

PageGen: Interactive HTML Authoring Tool

Personal Web pages. The Label Makers of the 90s. Do we need them? No. Do they make us feel like individuals? Yes. Frankly, writing HTML code isn't brain surgery, but this page will whip one up according to your (or your students') specifications without having to know anything. No blinking text, but nothing's perfect.

YES Mag-Canada's Science Magazine for Kids

Listen, I'd be willing to put this in just because the address has a tilde in it. Perhaps you have to be in the business to realise how few people know where those are on the keyboard . . . Anyway, this is a very slick site with science news, projects, and quizes. Sample question:

Do dolphins sleep? If so, how do they do it without drowning?

Now, that's a good question.

Well Known Canadians

There are a lot of obvious jokes I could make here, but really, this is kind of cool, organized by:

Actors Actresses Artists Astronauts Athletes Authors Business Comedians Directors/Producers Entertainers Journalists Miscellaneous Musicians Scientists etc.

Surprise: Conrad Bain. Continuing Embarassment: Jim Carrey.

The Chronicles of Narnia Web Page

This site is still very much under construction, but if your students don't like Narnia, consider getting a transfer.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364