
CM Archive
CM Archive feature Story line

Index of Feature Stories by AUTHOR (C to G)

Caldwell, John
1987 Notable Canadian Audio Visual Materials
1988 September

Carton, Chris
History as Story. Peter C. Newman and the Hudson's Bay Co.
1990 January

Collins, Janet
1990 May

Collins, Janet
Kurt Browning
1992 January

Collins, Janet
Library as Home
1991 May

Collins, Janet
Ron Lightburn
1994 September

Collins, Janet
What's in Store?
1990 March

Cook, Hugh A.
Our Big Beautiful World
1990 September

Cordukes, Laura
Sports Fiction
1992 January

Croskery, Peter
Kids and Nature
1991 September

Cutler, May
Dayal Kaur Khalsa. A Publisher's Tribute
1989 November

Davis, Virginia
Best of 1994
1994 November/December

Davis, Virginia
The Children's Book Centre and Communication Jeunesse
1986 November

Derry, Ramsay
The Writers' Development Trust at a Turning Point
1983 November

Duffy, Mary
A Sense of Truth. A Profile of Kevin Major
1989 November

Dwarka, Diane
Aboriginal Books
1992 May

Egan, Bessie
1988 Notable Canadian Non-Fiction for Children
1989 July

Ellis, Sarah
Notable Canadian Materials: Young Adult Fiction
1988 January

Ellis, Sarah
1987 Notable Canadian Young Adult Fiction
1988 November

Elmes, Roger
Canadian Studies Office / Association of Canadian Community Colleges
1982 Issue 2

Evens, Cynthia G.
The Youth Science Foundation... Something for Everyone
1987 May

Fogel, Melanie
Margaret Visser
1991 October

Fogel, Melanie
Pierre Berton
1990 November

Fogel, Melanie
Tim Wynne-Jones
1988 November

Gariepy, Raymond
The Legal Resource Centre: The Legal Education Network
1984 March

George, Anne
Young Adut Library Survey
1989 May

Gordon, W. Anthony
The Canadian Plains Research Center
1982 Issue 3

A to B | H to L | M to P | R to Z



1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
