
CM Archive
CM Archive Video Review line

Produced by Wally Hayes
Toronto, Canadian Education Association, 1992. kit (387pp, binder, with 2 videocassettes: Song for Canada Environment Canada, n.d., VHS cassette, 4 min.; On est chez nous/ This is Our Home, Canada 125, n.d., VHS cassette, 7 min.; With Glowing Hearts produced and directed by Peter Pearson, The O Canada Foundation, 1992, VHS cassette, 50 min.), $48.00 per kit plus $12.00 per kit for postage and handling.

Reviewed by Meredith MacKeen

Volume 22 Number 1
1994 Jan/Feb

This resource package for students twelve to eighteen includes two videocassettes and an extensive teacher's manual. One cassette includes an up-beat song about Canada while pictures from historic sites and national parks flash on the screen. The other cassette deals with the preparation of a contemporary version of the national anthem.

The teacher's manual contains sections on topics such as aboriginal peoples, Canada and Quebec, reforming the Constitution, and what being a Canadian means. Each section includes excerpts from suitable articles or speeches plus many activities based on group work and open-ended discussions. Each section contains an outline of the methodologies, expected student outcomes, assessment, and alternative activities.

The package is well put together and the video dealing with the creation of a contemporary version of "O Canada," including popular singers such as Rita MacNeil and Luba as well as Maureen Forrester, is very appealing. The whole approach is very positive and based on co-operative learning models. The reading levels of the articles vary and should be useful for many situations.

The package was developed by employees of the public school boards of metropolitan Toronto and funded jointly by the Department of the Secretary of State, Imperial Oil, Eaton Foundation, most provincial and territorial departments of education, and Ginn Publishing.

The video on the preparation of "O Canada" appeals to all viewers, while the open-ended discussions will work best in classrooms that have experience in cooperative learning. This resource package is

Recommended and the appeal of the video alone makes it well worth the price.

Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up

Meredith MacKeen is a teacher-librarian at Souris Regional High School in Souris, Prince Edward Island

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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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