CM March 29,
1996. Vol. II, Number 23

Notable Web

Every week, CM presents a brief collection of noteworthy, useful, or just interesting sites we've turned up and actually checked.

Please send us URLs and evaluations of any web-sites you think deserve the exposure.

ScienceWeb (Canadian Science)

ScienceWeb is brought to you by the National Research Council of Canada and contains press releases and many other links to keep you up-to-date on what's happening in Canadian Science.

Cyber Jacques' CyberSeas Treasure Hunt

Arr! This piratically themed cyberspace scavenger hunt introduces children to a variety of family-friendly web-sites (the language is salty, but not blue) on their way to winning prizes (downloadable animations). Last week's first clue required a visit to Thomas Jefferson's Home (and getting two links further in), but it's not exclusively American. Clue two was a fun U.K. page devoted to espionage.

MayaQuest '96

``In the spring of 1995, a team of five explorers, lead by Dan Buettner, bicycled to ruins in Mexico and Central America, met with on-site archaeologists, and attempted to unlock one of the most perplexing mysteries: the collapse of the ancient Maya civilization....
Beginning March 4, 1996 and continuing for six weeks, the same MayaQuest team members will reassemble for MayaQuest `96, brought to you by MECC. And YOU can join the team!"

It's too late to catch the start of this project, but the account of what they're doing and finding is pretty interesting regardless.


The ``cover page" of this Stonehenge site will have you thinking this is some weired neo-pagan, druidic fantasy; in fact, it gives a good, sober overview of Stonehenge and similar astronomical stone structures around the world.

The Capt. James T. Kirk Sing-a-long Page

Come on, if you found this, you'd have to include it too. Let your students listen to William Shatner's cover-versions of ``Tambourine Man" and ``Lucy in the Sky" when the've been good, as a treat. . . .

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364