CM April 19,
1996. Vol. II, Number 27

Notable Web

Every week, CM presents a brief collection of noteworthy, useful, or just interesting sites we've turned up and actually checked.

Please send us URLs and evaluations of any web-sites you think deserve the exposure.

Magic Show

Kids like performing magic tricks because it turns the tables on an otherwise hostile universe. This online magic magazine lets readers in on some of the professional secrets to fooling people, with step-by-step instructions, video examples, and tips on where to find the really clever stuff (magicians don't really mind telling you their secrets, but you have to work for it).

The JASON Project

``Our JASON VII journey takes us south of the Florida Keys and 60 feet below the water's surface. You'll join us in exploring these depths from the comfort of the world's only underwater research habitat - AQUARIUS. The expedition's from April 15-26."

Okay, no space or robot stuff this time, just this highly cool submarine exploration site. Live chats with the scientists, broadcasts from the sub, virtual reality tours (if you have the bandwidth), views from the portholes at that moment and more.

Chicago's Museum of Science And Industry

Well here's something special, a museum site that doesn't use a dopey map metaphor. What it does do is give a good taste of what visiting the MSI (one of the best museums in the world) is like. See Colleen Moore's astonishing fairy-castle dollhouse; check out the ``hatching chicks" (though I always wonder what they do with them once they're done hatching); check out the ``AIDS: The War Within display"... ``Animated Industrial Gears"... lots more. But not, alas, as far as I could tell in a brief visit, their actual captured German U-Boat.

Cockroach World

You've probably heard about it. And it says `` Click here to visit the grossest family site on the Net."

Well, it's just that cool (and informative). Cockroaches wear their skeletons on the outside of their bodies was ``Today's Fun Fact" when I looked. You also get ``A Day in the Life of a Cockroach" and a test your knowledge of cockroaches, ``Cockroach World," quiz. In ``activities learn how to catch and keep cockroaches. See the sights and sounds of `Cockroach World' in the multimedia library..."

How to catch and keep them. Notice again how our perspectives completely alter as we age. . . .

The McDougall Sound Archaeological Research Project Virtual Slide Show

This presentation of the University of Calgary's archaeological findings about the Dorset people of the arctic has won a bag-full of awards --- deservingly. This is the only web-site I've ever seen good enough to just click and leave running on a big monitor while students watch. Any senior classes interested in Canadian history, or archaeology should check this out. Sound-clips of Inuit thoat-singing too.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364