CM May 3,
1996. Vol. II, Number 29

Notable Web

Every week, CM presents a brief collection of noteworthy, useful, or just interesting sites we've turned up and actually checked.

Please send us URLs and evaluations of any web-sites you think deserve the exposure.

...the Question/Answer Place for Curious Kids

Usually when you see one of these know-it-all pages it only takes a few clicks before you realize that those who run are not as almost omniscient as, say, the staff at CM. But the WonderKorner isn't bad. Current questions include ``Where did Winnie the Pooh get his name?" which goes into quite a bit of detail before coming to the all-important point that the name was derived from Winnipeg. Also, an exhaustive answer to ``How are pencils made?"

Of course, kids can submit their own questions.

The Cub Den

This is a fun and educational site (if a little over-designed). According to its creator:
There is information on all eight bear species including grizzlies, pandas, polar bears, black bears, asiatic black bears, sun bears, spectacled bears and sloth bears. It is a great resource for teachers and students doing projects related to bears and the conservation of animals.
Ten facts about bears, Amazing facts about bears, etc. And he is `` prepared to respond to e-mail questions from students in order to create an interactive experience." Worth it just for the roaring-bear sound-clip.


I was going to just leave it at just the title for this one, but I can't resist mentioning that a friend of mine visited the Sistine Chapel five minutes before closing, rushed in, looked around, and said, ``very, very nice."

This virtual tour is very much a Vatican endeavour, but you don't to worry about viewing hours, or, in fact, being in Rome.


This is where the youth part of Apple's eWorld went after the recent end of the eWorld. Slick and fun; the day I looked there was a photo tour of New York and moderated discussion groups on most youth-like topics. My favourite posting was:
``Yo I just read sophies world has anyone else read this?"
Sports, computers, entertainment, by and for youth. Clearly still sponsored by Apple, but not obnoxiously commercial.

Stupid Pet Photos Page

Kids like pets, and stupid things, so . . . Recent photos include, for example:
Submitted by Mickey Lasky, this is a picture of Mickey's cat, Vree, attempting to play the Magic: The Gathering card game.
A truly stupid photo. Readers can submit their own stupid photos. If selected, they will be eligible to add a ``Proud owners of a certifiably STUPID PET!" icon to their own web pages.

Also includes a stupid pet screen-saver for windows...

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364