Table of Contents

 From the Editor

A Few of Your Favourite Things

Dark questions have been muttered around the snow-filled halls and alleys that constitute CM's working environment lately: Why has it been so long since there's been an editorial? Doesn't Duncan care anymore? Has he lost his drive, his passion, his bitterness?

No, it's just that I've been in Banff. Through the miracles of electronic publishing, I was able to spend the last two weeks in the mountains at an intensive workshop for writers of radio drama while continuing to work on CM in the hours I should have been sleeping. Just as if I'd never left Winnipeg!*

This brings up the topic of this week's editorial (you were beginning to wonder, weren't you?): the mixed blessings of the new, electronic world.

Armed with a modem, lap-top, and a generous long-distance budget, there's no reason to ever be out of touch with your job. Or, if you like, there's no reason to fool yourself into thinking you can get away and have a vacation.

Like those ads where a proud grandfather uses a cell-phone to let everyone know about the fish his grandson just caught. Seems sort of sweet until you see the other one with the couple out for a picnic and Mr. Up-to-Date is barking something unheard into his cell-phone (``Buy low! Sell high!") while his lovely date swings romantically, and unheeded, on his other arm. There's the future in a nutshell.

But I'm sure there's something good about electronic life or I would have found another line of work, or joined the monkey-wrench gang, or something.

So what I'm asking you to do, CM readers, is to help me in my moment of doubt: send in letters about your most (and least) favourite things on the Internet. Particularly Canadian things.

You see (to really get to the point), because we plan to start running regular reviews of other Internet resources and web-sites along with the usual run of books, videos, CD-ROMs, and so on, we'd appreciate all the leads we can get. Internet sites and services pop up way too fast for us to keep track of without help from our readers.

If you have ideas to get this new section of the magazine running, would like to commiserate about the end of my holiday, or have any other comments, suggestions, or complaints, as always, just send e-mail to the address beneath my name.

-- Duncan Thornton, Editor

*I did get out once, only to find that in Banff everything is more expensive. Also, some parts of the ground are higher -- much higher -- than other parts.

 Book Reviews

 Proud to Be a Poopini.
Dave Sindrey. Illustrated by Chum McLeod.
Review by Jennifer La Chapelle.
Grades K - 3 / Ages 4 - 8.

 Wacky Word Games.
Margie Golick. Illustrated by Jane Churchill.
Review by Lorraine Douglas.
Grades 3 - 4 / Ages 7 - 9.

 Street People Speak.
Ruth Morris and Colleen Heffren.
Review by Kathleen L. Kellett-Betsos.
Grades 10 - 13 / Ages 14 - Adult.

 Video Reviews

 Freedom Had a Price.
Producer/Director: Yurij Luhovy.
Review by Patricia Maruschak.
Grades 7 - 13 / Ages 11 - Adult.

 Hands of History..
Directed by Loretta Todd.
Review by Adele Case.
Grades 7 - 13 / Ages 11 - Adult.


 The Little Math Puzzle
 The Great Canadian Trivia Contest - not available at press time


 An Invitation from the National Gallery of Canada
 Ho Ho Ho -- Santa's Address on the Internet

Duncan Thornton

Executive Assistant
Peter Tittenberger

If you would like to print out an entire copy of this issue of CM we have compiled all of our articles and reviews in one print file.

About CM

We publish every week!
Volume 1, the first 18 issues, June 16, 1995 through October 13, 1995, will be distributed free to Canadian subscribers courtesy of CM magazine.
Volume 2, 33 issues, October 20, 1995 through June 7, 1996, will be distributed free to Manitoba subscribers courtesy of a Manitoba charitable foundation; elsewhere, $42.00 (no tax) for the complete Volume 1 and Volume 2 of 52 issues.

How do you subscribe?

Send e-mail to:

Postal address:
CM Subscriptions
100 Arthur Street, Suite 208
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1H3

Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364

Book Reviews by Author
Book Reviews by Title
Audio/Video/CD-ROM Reviews by Title
Volume 2 Index