________________ CM . . . . Volume III Number 2 . . . . September 20, 1996

cover Have You Seen Bugs?

Joanne Oppenheim. Illustrated by Ron Broda.
Richmond Hill, Ontario: North Winds Press, 1996. 32pp. paper, $16.99
ISBN 0-590-24322-5.

Grades preschool - 2 / Ages 4 - 7.
Review by Naomi Gerrard



"Have you seen bugs?
Itty-bitty bugs small as specks of sand,
wide-winged bugs bigger than your hand.
Bugs with stripes or speckles or spots,
shiny like metal or covered with dots.
Iridescent bugs that shimmer in the light,
winking, blinking bugs that twinkle in the night.
Dark as bark, green as grass, see-through bugs with wings like glass."

bug Even though the paper sculpted male African moon moth on the front cover looks like a creature from outer space inviting attention, this is a fascinating book for bug lovers; and, perhaps even for those who dislike bugs. It is illustrated with incredible, three-dimensional paper sculptures of bugs; iridescent, winking, blinking, shimmering and twinkling. They are everywhere: playing hide-and-seek, "shaped like thorns or sticks or leaves", long legged or having thousands of legs, fluttering, scurrying, diving, buzzing, swimming under water, skimming over water. The book is full of bug lingo, imagery, colour, names, and the sounds of bugs, including a comparison between bugs and insects.

space The layout of the book is attractive, full of activities allowing one to take a big breath and touch the bugs on these pages without hesitation or fear. The narrative is well planned, descriptive and rhythmic using age appropriate language.


Naomi Gerrard has been fascinated with children's literature for years, is a reviewer for the Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Award and a member of CANSCAIP.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364