
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Peter Eyvindson. Illustrated by Wendy Wolsak.
Winnipeg, MB: Pemmican Publications, 1984.
32pp., paper, $4.75.
ISBN 0-919143-05-9. CIP.

Grades K - 2 / Ages 5 - 7
Reviewed by Joan Weller.

Volume 13 Number 6
1985 November

Pemmican Publications specializes in books featuring native people, with a strong emphasis on the Métis. However the little native boy featured here shares the likes and dislikes of many children. Kyle hates his evening bath. Hoping to avoid the ritual, he renounces everything that makes him dirty during the day. This includes toast with peanut butter and jam, tomato juice, spaghetti, and fun in the garden, sandbox, and swamp. His sacrifices make him clean but unhappy. When his mother finally gives him a bath to make him feel more himself, "Kyle could hardly believe his clean ears." Happily returning to his old habits, he makes his bath "worth his while." The storyline with its happy expression of child behaviour and reasoning is well constructed. Soft, textured charcoal drawings, which at times compete with the text on the small pages, do capture the young hero's changing moods. The satisfying ending with a personal afternote will win over young readers who have already identified with Kyle. Unfortunately, the book's cover features the least well executed drawing from the book. The next print run of the book in October will eliminate the blue-and-white cover and will be in solid red. A recommended purchase.

Joan Weller, Ottawa P.L., Ottawa, ON.
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Young Canada Works