
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Roger Paré.
Toronto, ON: Annick Press, 1985.
unpaged, paper, $15.95.
ISBN 0-92030342-0. Includes 2 puzzles, I game, and I game instruction sheet, in box. CIP.

Grades Pre-School - 2 / Ages 3 - 7
Reviewed by Joan Young.

Volume 14 Number 2
1986 March

The integrated components of the Annick's ABC Activity Set consist of one book, two puzzles, a game, and an instruction sheet. These items are packaged in a small (approximately 22 cm square) light cardboard box. The delightful alphabet book contains twenty-three full colour, nonsense illustrations, mostly of animals in ridiculous situations. Both upper and lower case letters are displayed on each page and an accompanying sentence in clear bold print includes from two to four words beginning with the featured letter.

The puzzles, which are mounted on heavy board, can be assembled to make two pictures from the alphabet book (sixteen pieces each). The reverse side of each puzzle piece is an illustrated alphabet card. These cards can be combined to spell all the featured words in the alphabet book or to play word games as suggested in the instruction sheet. Adult participation and guidance might be necessary for a pre-school aged child. Older children might enjoy inventing their own word games and activities. The Annick's ABC Activity Set is open-ended and adaptable. It is suitable for both home and school use.

Joan Young, Willway E.S., Victoria, BC.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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