
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Mary Blakeslee.
Toronto, ON: Overlea House, 1988.
127pp., paper, $3.95.
ISBN 0-7172-2394-9. cloth, $15.95. ISBN 0-7172-2512-7. CIP.

Grades 4 - 6 / Ages 8 - 11
Reviewed by Beatrice E. Russell.

Volume 17 Number 2
1989 March

The Lemon Street gang - Jason, Matthew, Kyle and David - and six other members of Mr. Jacob's Science Club are visiting the Natural History Museum during spring break. Doctor Kingsley is giving part of the tour himself. His daughter, Jill, who has been a teacher in Vancouver, and George Jacobs, the boys' teacher, are also on the tour.

Just before the beginning of the story Kingsley had found a fossilized dinosaur skull which he thought might belong to a species not yet discovered. He thinks this find might help him obtain a coveted position in an eastern university and he keeps the specimen locked in a desk drawer in his office.

During one part of their tour Kingsley shows the boys this special skull which he calls Allison. Just as he replaces the skull the fire alarm goes off and everyone runs from the office. Kingsley's keys are left forgotten on his desk, and soon afterwards the skull is discovered missing. Circumstances make it appear that Mr. Jacobs might be the guilty party, but the boys are very confident that he is not. The rest of the story describes how the boys attempt to prove Mr. Jacobs' innocence and the dangerous situations in which they become involved.

The story captures the reader's interest and holds it throughout. The style is appropriate for the grade level and the print is very clear.

Beatrice E. Russell, Lacombe, AB.

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