
CM Archive
CM Archive Video Review line

Directed by Jackie Podro
Screen Connections, 1991. VHS cassette, 20:00 min., $245.00.
Distributed by International Tele-Film, 47 Densley Ave., Toronto, Ont. M6M 5A8.

Reviewed by C.L. Ross

Volume 20 Number 3
1992 May

David Nabigone is an eighteen-year-old who suffers from kidney disease. This is the story of how he deals with his medical condition and his determination to live as normal a life as possible.

It is an inspiring story! We spend a day with David, working in a Toronto radio station (CFTR, for those readers who live in the Toronto area) with two disc jockeys who agreed to have David on the air with them. Throughout the film, David's on-air sessions are interspersed with interviews with his teachers, his doctors and nurses, and with the disc jockeys themselves. Their admiration for this young man is a heart-warming experience to share.

I found this copy of the video to be somewhat disjointed. This was the short version according to the cover title, so I assume the blank spaces in the production were due to editing, not the production technique. Otherwise, this is a balanced presentation. The people interviewed were professional and believable and David himself was a joy to watch.

This is a film about courage. David never feels sorry for himself and spends his days looking forward to the future, to a career in radio, and to a fulfilled life. It was a pleasure to be a part of this young man's life even if it was only for 20 minutes.


Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up

C.L. Ross, Okanagan Regional Library, Kelowna, B.C.

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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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