The Little Math Puzzle Contest

CM March 29, 1996. Vol II, Number 24

 The Little Math Puzzle Contest

The Little Math Puzzle Contest

Man seeks order and pattern in all things
Be ready to change your paradigm.

Puzzle #28

The single digit integers can be put in an order begun below.
Choosing from {0, 2, 3, 6} complete the list.

8, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7, ____, ____, ____, ____

This Puzzle was send in by Mr. J. Cowley's grade 6 class
Sacred Heart Elementary - Sarnia, Ontario

Send your response by 8:00 a.m., Friday, March 29 to:

Puzzle #26 was the following:

What is the next number in this series?

1, 4, 27, 256, 3125, _____

The solution to Puzzle #26 is:

The answer is 46656 and the pattern is powers:

1 2x2 3x3x3 4x4x4x4 5x5x5x5x5 therefore 6x6x6x6x6x6

This puzzle came from Doug & Gerrick in Oakville Ont.

The Winners -- Solvers of Puzzle #26

  1. Chris Kennedy - Grade 6A L.E.R. School - Dalhousie,N.B.
  2. Grade 6/7 William @ K. V. M. School - Burtts Corner, N. B.Canada
  3. Micheal Milner - grade 9 Caledonia Regional High School - Hillsborough,N.B Kevin Nicol - Miss Smollett's grade 5 class L.E.Reinsborough School - Dalhousie, New Brunswick. Erika Seelenbinder, Jenna Rotz, Heather Burkett, Wendy Treece
  4. Mrs. Seltzer's fourth grade class, Indian Lakes Elementary School - Virginia Beach, VA:
  5. Math 9 Class Oyen Public School - Oyen, AB
  6. class 9A North and South Esk High - Sunny Corner N.B.
  7. Grade 8 Math Class Hedges - Winnipeg, Manitoba
  8. Duguay, Ryan Betteridge, Ian MacDonald, Andrew Law, Vincent Jacques, Kyle Spurling, Robin Wilmot, Melissa Grenier, Amy Pollock, Amanda Murray, Natalie Bourque, Raquel Barnaby. Mrs. Shirley Duguay`s class 6-1 Campbellton Middle School
  9. Kala Belding, LolitaMcGraw Grade 6P Saint John The Baptist King Edward School - Saint John N.B.
  10. Mr. Buckland 's class 7-C Park Junior High - Sydney, Nova Scotia
  11. Jonathan Gammell Birchmount school - Moncton New Brunswick.
  12. Emily Davidson, Jamie Rechard, Brady Trites, Ricky Lee, Natasha Patchell, Delbert Saunders, Courtney Quartermain, and Tiffany Gallery - all grade 5 students St. John the Baptist-King Edward School - Saint John, New Brunswick.
  13. Ms. Mondt (grade 3 teacher) and Mr. Ens (grade 4/5 teacher) General Byng School - Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  14. Dap Duong (Grade 6) Lincoln Centennial School - St.Catharines, ON.
  15. Jane Scaplen's Grade 6 French Immersion Class Sacred Heart Elementary - Marystown, Newfoundland
  16. Bonnie Cheung Yorkhill Elementary School - Thornhill Ontario.
  17. Peter Jewer, Chris Simpson Lakewood Academy, Glenwood - Nf
  18. Lakeview Elementary School - Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Home Page -
  19. Shelley Morash & Mr. Pye (retiring principal and awesome math whiz! ) Brooklyn District School - Newport, N.S.
  20. Merilyn McCarron Grandview Avenue School - Saint John, NB
  21. grade 6 students Mrs. N. Taylor Birchmount School in Moncton, New Brunswick

    and the vaguely identified

  22. Winnie Cheng,

Andrea Pollock and Alex Nazarov
Royal West Academy, Montreal West, Quebec.

Information about the Little Math Puzzle Contest.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364