
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Bernice Hunter.
Richmond Hill, ON: Scholastic-Tab Publications, 1984.
112pp., paper, $2.95.
ISBN 0-59071-481-3. CIP.

Grades 4 - 6 / Ages 9 - 11
Reviewed by Janice Foster.

Volume 13 Number 4
1985 July

Readers who have enjoyed That Scatterbrain Booky and its sequel, will welcome Bernice Hunter's latest novel, A Place for Margaret. Set in the summer of 1925, Margaret is sent to visit her aunt and uncle on their farm in Ontario to recover from tuberculosis. After some initial homesickness for her larger family and life in the bustling city of Toronto, Margaret grows to love the ways of country life, her new friends, and particularly her special relationship with the big horse, Starr.

The author's easy flowing narrative allows the reader to enter right into Margaret's adventures and problems. Situations like the fire, being lost in the forest on a cold, wintry night, as well as dilemmas posed by the difficult relationship between Margaret and the school teacher, Miss Maggotty, being torn between her family and the love of her new life at Green Meadows, all become real experiences for the reader to share with the homely-looking but endearing heroine.

The clear text with its suitable and interesting vocabulary allows for easy, enjoyable reading. Both young readers who love horse stories and preteens who look for characters who are appealing and easy to identify with will definitely like curling up with this delightful novel.

Janice Foster, Winnipeg, MB.
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Young Canada Works