
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Hammud, Zicky
Toronto, Macmillan Canada, 1994.192pp, paper, $14.95
ISBN 07715-9030-X. CIP

Reviewed by Bob Haxton

Volume 22 Number 4
1994 September

This is one of those "it may be in here" directories. By taking the approach of "who are people most apt to look for and who are they most likely to have difficulty finding" rather than targeting a specific group, this little book provides a good first option to those queries for the elusive and obscure as well as the prominent. Don Cherry and the Canadian Society for the Study of Names are here as well as Jean Chrétien and Santa Claus.

Zicky Hammud, a consultant in Ottawa who has corresponded with many of those he has included in this book, has another mission besides making information available. He wants, in this age of faxes, to make a case for letter writing and prefaces each alphabetical category with a quotation extolling its virtues. He fervently believes that a well-written letter will succeed where other forms of communication will not and he provides some helpful notes on how to go about writing one.

In addition to the notes and the alphabetical organization, there is a twelve-page subject index in the back. I should also mention the one-line descriptions under each entry which are helpful in those situations where you just need a "handle" on the person or organization.

The criticism of such a publication will always be "who was left out." The Toronto Maple Leafs are represented but, apart from the club address, the Vancouver Canucks are not. I'm sure, however, that by this time next year, if, as I suspect, this becomes an annual, their fame will have reached even unto Ottawa and we will be able to write to Pavel Bure and Kirk McLean.

If you need a Canadian directory, start with this one; if you have a budget big enough to have several, add this one for the "hard to finds."

Suitable for anyone old enough to write a letter and enjoyable to browse through even if you don't.

Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up

Bob Haxton is a librarian in Vancouver, British Columbia

line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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