Communities Alive Series

Bonavista North

Valleyfield to Cape Freels

"Home is important to people here and emotionally home is heart and soul. The way of life is precious to them. Women especially do not want to be uprooted. When something or someone from outside our community tries to destroy what's important to us, tenacity becomes the mainstay of how we act. We stick our heels in, and say, I won't leave my home and culture. In adversity, I'll show my colours and stay. Most people feel the same way - I think we'll hang on, I'm sure we will. "

The imposition of the Northern Cod Moratorium by the government of Canada in July of 1992 threatened the survival of the fishing industry and the many Newfoundland coastal communities which depend on the fisheries. The band involved approximately 40,000 fishers and plant workers with over sixty percent of these workers in Newfoundland. Many felt that this signaled the end of rural Newfoundland. But Bonavista North communities of Valleyfield to Cape Freels like others in rural Newfoundland communities have displayed the fighting spirit that reminds us they are used to hardship and challenge. They have a long history of adapting to changes in such a way as to protect a fisheries tradition which is a whole way of life. How can we explain more fully their resistance to change imposed from without? How can we understand the dynamic relationship between economic and social relations in these communities in ways that make sense of their history -- and help them and us plan for the future?

Flowers Island - Bonavista Bay, Nfld.

Enter an interactive world with the Communities Alive - Bonavista North high quality educational software CD-ROM. Bonavista North contains numerous archival and current photographs of the communities, maps and detailed statistical information on the state of the fishery and other industries. Demographic statistics provide up to date information of the communities in addition to a well researched text with the addition of an extensive bibliography for further reference.

Understand the fabric of rural Newfoundland fishing communities and the complex weaving of social and economic factors within these communities that creates a strong sense of belonging among both the people who live there and the fishing industry which forms the backbone of their existence. Learn why the cod moratorium which is one of the greatest regulatory changes to Newfoundland society did not achieve the expected results of a reduction in the fishery.

Bonavista North contains five units or chapters:

* Fisheries Policy: Newfoundland and Labrador - considers the various changes in fisheries policy and why these changes had little impact on controlling the numbers in the fishing industry.
* Bonavista North: History and Current Circumstances - examines the close association of the area with the fishery, the various survival strategies the communities used to adapt to the harsh environment and the current socio-demographic profile of the communities.
* Belonging to and Identification with the Community - presents qualitative and quantitative data on the importance residents place on the communities in which they live and the rich nature of their existence within the area.
* The Fishery in Bonavista North - examines how the fishery forms the backbone of work activity with these communities. This unit considers the levels of fishing activity as well as the views of harvestors and plant workers on regulations, the fishers union and community commitment to the fishery.
* Changing Conditions in the Fishery - examines how the moratorium affected the lives of fishers in the area, how the compensation packages touched the fishers and others in the communities and how residents feel about the general management of the fishery.
* Future of the Fishery and the Communities - looks at the strong relationship between the future of the fishery and the future of the communities, it explores ways in which proper management of the fishery creates conditions for the survival of not only the fishery but also the communities themselves.
* Changing Conditions in the Fishery - examines how the moratorium affected the lives of fishers in the area, how the compensation packages touched the fishers and others in the communities and how residents feel about the general management of the fishery.
* Looking to the Future - considers positive and constructive directions that fisheries policy can take. It discusses how we can achieve a sustainable fishery in sustainable communities.

Other Products
System Requirements
CD-ROMKlondike Gold Rush
CD-ROMNorthwest Passage
CD-ROMA Newfounde Isle
CD-ROMSignal Hill
CD-ROMBonavista North

Coming Soon
CD-ROMSettlers of Upper Canada
CD-ROMThe Golden Age of Piracy
*PC Compatible 486 or Pentium
*Windows 3.1 or Windows 95.
*4 MB of memory; VGA (or better) display.
*2xSpeed CD-ROM disk drive.
*Sound Card recommended.

Note: (Microsoft and Novell Network version available on request).
See our Web Site for further information of all these software products

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364