________________ CM . . . . Volume III Number 13 . . . . February 28, 1997

cover Life in the Coral Reef.

Bobbie Kalman and Niki Walker. Photographs by Tom Stack & Associates.
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON: Crabtree Publishing, 1997. 32 pp., hardcover, $17.68.
ISBN 0-86505-629-3.

Grades 1 - 6 / Ages 6 - 11.
Review by Gerri F. Young.

**** /4

image Another winner from the well-known Bobbie Kalman (Crabtree Publishing) this beautiful book can be read to the very young and read alone by the older child. The photographs are outstanding, and a "What is in the picture?" section at the back of the book gives more information about them. image

      "Rainforests of the sea" is the great descriptive title of Chapter One. The rest of the fourteen chapters explain what corals are, how corals and reefs grow and how their ecosystem works. Also described are the reef's food chain, life style, partnerships, colours, patterns, and day and night life. And, thankfully, a chapter called "Reefs in Danger" is an extremely important part of this excellent book, giving children ideas on how to save the reefs. It is clearly explained that if we buy shells, corals, or tropical saltwater fish, we encourage hunters to illegally take and sell them.

      The book presents a lot of information with great photos, and would be good to read aloud. Most importantly, it educates readers on how to save the reefs. Years ago we were ignorant of these cautions, and we owe it to our world to inform the children now.

Highly recommended.

Gerri F. Young lives in Fort Nelson, B.C.

If you would like to order Life in the Coral Reef please fill out the CM order form for this issue.

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Copyright © 1997 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364