Second Story Publishers

Fitting In

Sharon Kirsh
Toronto, ON. Second Story Press
ISBN 0-929005-74-0.

Most young people want to "fit in." But Mollie knew that she was different - she was Jewish. Until now it didn't matter that much because she had good friends and a loving family. Mollie also seemed to have a great time in and out of school, except of course for home economics where she was useless. For Mollie, growing up in the 1960s was generally not too bad.

But suddenly things seem to change. Mollie is astounded to discover that some people think Jews somehow look different, even funny. Her life changes even more dramatically when kids she has known all her life call her names and write anti-Semitic comments on her home. And then Mollie becomes aware of the Holocaust and its impact on her family and community. But perhaps worst of all, her closest friend Naomi has a deep secret that seems to be keeping them apart.

As they come of age most young people are challenged by a series of problems and dilemmas. Seeing how Mollie confronts hers will provide a provocative experience for readers ten to thirteen.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Like her protagonist Mollie, Sharon Kirsh grew up in a community with a very small Jewish population. She is a psychologist who now lives with her family in Toronto. Fitting In is her first book.

192 pages
$6.95 paper
Contacts: Margie Wolfe or Karen Farquhar

Second Story Press
720 Bathurst Street Suite 301
Toronto, ON
M5S 2R4

Phone: (416) 537-7850
Fax: (416) 537-0588

Collaborative Book Review Project

Fitting In Bulletin Board

Copyright © 1996 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364