
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Katherine McKeever.
Toronto, ON: Greey de Pencier, 1984.
95pp., paper, $8.95.
ISBN 0-919872-96-4. An OWL Book. CIP.

Grades 4 and up / Ages 9 and up
Reviewed by Anna L. Holman.

Volume 13 Number 2
1985 March

The author of Granny's Gang is the founder and director of the Owl Research and Rehabilitation Foundation in Vineland, Ontario. She and her husband devote their lives to the rescue and rehabilitation of owls and to breeding wild owls in captivity.

This book is a fascinating and amusing collection of stories about some of the members of their owl family. Granny, a South American Spectacled Owl, who was rescued from an abandoned zoo, is the matriarch of the family. Taken from her nest before her eyes were developed enough to see her parents, Granny grew up thinking humans were her species. The story of her attempt to hatch her own unfertilized egg, and her pride when she hatches a substituted fertile chicken egg, is the first anecdote in the book.

The joys and tribulations of raising Pops, Tiglet, Cricket, and other members of Granny's Gang, are a delight to read about. Each member of the gang has a unique personality. Although the stories provide insight into the habits and behaviour of owls, the book is not a nature study guide. It is an affectionate, humorous account of twenty years of devotion to the preservation of one species of wildlife.

This year, Kay McKeever won the first annual Lifetime Achievement Award, presented internationally by the National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association in the United States.

The black and white drawings by Olena Kassian add greatly to the charm of the book. The publishers advertise the book as a children's book, but it will appeal to all ages.

Anna L. Holman, Faculty of Education, University of Western Ontario, London, ON.
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