
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Paulette Bourgeois. Illustrated by Linda Hendry.
Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press, 1987.
63pp., paper, $8.95.
ISBN 0-921103-42-5. CIP.

Grades 2 - 6 / Ages 8 - 12
Reviewed by Janice Foster.

Volume 16 Number 1
1988 January

An apple! What a variety of thoughts this popular fruit can conjure up in one's mind. Paulette Bourgeois has selected a wealth of information about the "apple" and presents facts, folklore, games, recipes, crafts, history, and jokes in the delightful, fun-filled Amazing Apple Book.

Readers young and old alike soon discover that there's more to an apple than meets the taste buds. The Table of Contents guides you to a chapter of interest such as "The Apple in Pioneer Days" or "Building a Better Apple." For more specific topics such as: apple dolls, grafting, or superstitions involving apples, an index is provided. Terms which might need defining are printed in dark type and are described in the glossary. The black-and-white drawings add humour to the accompanying text as well as clarify step-by-step activities and diagrams. Throughout the book a "box" format is frequently used. In the box the reader finds jokes, experiments, interesting facts or other activities. Both the illustrations and the information boxes add an attractive and easy-to-read quality to this book.

For general interest, classroom projects, simple experiments and fun-filled activities, The Amazing Apple Book offers it all. When you've finished reading and enjoying this book you'll agree that there's more to an apple than just eating!


Janice Foster, Winipeg, MB.
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