
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Reuben Sallows.
Toronto, ON: Stoddart, 1988.
120pp., paper, $23.95.
ISBN 0-7737-2249-1. CIP.

Grades 7 and up / Ages 13 and up
Reviewed by Walter Kalyn.

Volume 17 Number 4
1989 July

This book uses the work of two wellknown Canadian photographers: John de Visser, who has contributed to many well known photographic publications, and Reuben Sallows, whose collection dates from 1879 and provides an interesting historical view of farming in Ontario. The resulting publication is an interesting photo essay on farming in Ontario. The text is very limited but does a good job of supplementing the visuals.

The photographs lean heavily toward the historical aspect of farming. The contemporary photographs tend to show the pastoral beauty of farms and by and large avoid the highly mechanized aspect of agriculture today.

The photographs are of excellent quality. The Sallows work elicits many chuckles because many of the photographs are obviously posed and sometimes reflect the photographer's lack of knowledge of the subject, but they do provide an interesting view of farming as it was in Ontario at the turn of the century.

On first looking through this book, I wished that the reproduction had been of the glossy variety rather than the flat finish used in this publication. However, in retrospect, this flat reproduction may perhaps more adequately convey the atmosphere of hazy rural Ontario compared to the clear, crisp atmosphere of Saskatchewan, to which I am more accustomed.

This book would be a useful addition to school libraries requiring visual material on farming in Ontario. The pictures are useful at any grade level but the text, where it exists, is probably more suitable for grades 8 and up.

Walter Kalyn, Thom Collegiate, Regina, SK.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works