
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Kim Fernandes.
Toronto, ON: Annick Press, 1990.
32pp., paper, $4.95.
ISBN 1-55037-084-7. cloth, $12.95. ISBN 1-55037-077-4. Distributed by Firefly. CIP.

Grades Preschool - 2 / Ages 3 - 7
Reviewed by Norma Charles.

Volume 18 Number 4
1990 July

When Jenny and Stevey visit Granny's kitchen, they find it full of wonderful things to see, do, smell and, probably best of all, eat, as they are joined by the many barnyard animals, who are shooed out by busy Granny. In Kim Fernandes' first published book, she uses colourful baker's clay and Plasticine to illustrate an explanation of "What did you do all day at Granny's house?"

The children I read the book to were not especially interested in it or entertained by it, since the book lacks a story-line, but it does provide inspiration for writing their own "stories" of what they do at Granny's house. The illustrations could also give children ideas for a craft project for "My Family" studies in the Primary grades.

Norma Charles, Van Horne Elementary School, Vancouver, BC.
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