
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Kady Denton.
Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press, 1988.
32pp., paperbound boards, $11.95.
ISBN 0-921103-35-5. CIP.

Grades Pre-school - 2 / Ages 3 - 7
Reviewed by Patricia Fry.

Volume 17 Number 1
1989 January

There are all kinds of ways to overcome night-time fears. In Granny is a Darling, written and illustrated by Kady MacDonald Denton, Granny inadvertently provides her young grandson with a special way to banish spooky creatures from his room.

All members of the family look forward to Granny's visit, but Billy, who shares his bedroom with her, especially looks forward to Granny's visit. It soon becomes obvious that Billy, like many young children, is afraid of the dark. His no-nonsense granny assures him that she'll go right to sleep and that's exactly what she does. Of course, this means that Billy is the only one awake to face the dangers that lurk in the darkness.

Billy's terror mounts as the monsters multiply and he hears a threatening noise that sounds like this: "SSSNNNORRR." As he tiptoes over to protect his sleeping granny, he notices that the sound is coming from her mouth. The monsters notice, too, and immediately they begin to fade away. A snore or two from the now fearless Billy finishes them completely.

The next night, when his grandma has returned home and Billy is alone in his bedroom once more, he uses the snoring trick to take control of his fears. It works. He falls asleep right away!

This book is beautifully illustrated with pastel water-colours on every page. The pictures appear blurred at the edges, giving a soft effect to this gentle story. This book is a short read - less than five minutes to read aloud - and, for that reason, will appeal to parents who are looking for a quick bedtime story.

Patricia Fry, Toronto, ON.

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