
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Stefan Czernecki and Timothy Rhodes. Illustrated by Stefan Czernecki.
New York, NY: Sterling Publishing/Hyperion Press, 1990.
64pp., hardcover, $19.95.
ISBN 0-920534-63-5. Distributed by Sterling Publishing c/o Canadian Manda Group. CIP

Grades 1 - 4 / Ages 6 - 9
Reviewed by Joanne Robertson.

Volume 18 Number 6
1990 November

In their new children's story, Bear in the Sky, Stefan Czernecki and Timothy Rhodes tell how a brown bear who lives in the forest becomes the Ursa Major constellation, the Great Bear of the northern skies. The bear is named Zloty by his Gypsy friends Zanko and Zora, who save his life. Zloty loves to dance and this enables him to save the Princess. However, this princess is not your typical fairy-tale princess, and how she repays Zloty makes for an engrossing tale that culminates in his reaching the stars.

Bear in the Sky is the second children's story Stefan Czernecki and Timothy Rhodes have collaborated on. Their first book was The Time Before DreamsBear in the Sky is also the second book in the "New Classics for Children" series.

This fairy-tale is told in language that is easy to read and easy to understand. The paragraphs are short and the print size is one that young children would be comfortable reading. A fullpage colour illustration faces each page of print. Surrounded by a frame of oak leaves and acorns, the delicate, softhued illustrations have a folkloric, stylized quality well suited to the written story. Bear in the Sky will entertain all fairy-tale lovers.

¹Reviewed vol. XVII/4 July 1989, p.173.

Joanne Robertson, Winnipeg, MB.
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