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Information for Advertisers

As an electronic publication, CM offers new and different forms of advertising, including e-mail and www links and advertising features linked to reviews of the same book.

We have added a new feature 'On the Bookshelf' where publishers can place new titles. Books placed 'On the Bookshelf' will remain there for a year, linked from our key pages (such as this one).

CM is a non-profit registered charitable organization that needs your support to continue. Please consider placing an ad with us.

CM Rate Card

CM rates include the cost of designing and placing the ad on our Web site. We will prepare the HTML markup from text received in electronic format and include images received electronically or in hard copy.

Annual Ad Rate

Link from CM Welcome page in 'our friends' section
Link from each issue Table of Contents page
$1000 per year

On the Bookshelf Ad Rate

Placement of one book 'On the Bookshelf' $50.00 CDN
or three books for $100.00 CDN

Ad Information

The structure of an ad in CM can take many forms. It can be:
  • A self-contained page of information including text and graphics
  • A series of pages with links placed on the CM web site
  • Contain links to an external Web site maintained by the advertiser
  • Contain on-line ordering capability
  • Contain form completion, or mailto features received by the advertiser


Traditional advertising rate cards assign rates based on such factors as:
  • 1. Exposure - size and placement of ad:
  • 2. Reach- potential audience for ad
  • 3. Reproduction quality - process colour, spot colour, black and white.
  • 4. Demographics - profile of audience
Advertising in an electronic medium can adopt many of the same variables in determining rate structures, but measurement takes a different form.

Exposure is determined more by ad placement than size. In an electronic medium, the size of an ad is determined by the size of the computer screen of the viewer. An ad with lots of information and many large images loads more slowly, and results in a longer scroll bar, not a greater initial impact. In this sense electronic advertising can be a great leveller, where small businesses compete equally with large corporations.

More important than size is the accessibility of an ad. The placement and number of links to an ad is critical in measuring ite exposure potential. When advertising in an electonic journal such as CM, a link from our Welcome page is more valuable than a link from an individual issues' Table of Contents, which is more valuable than a link from an individual review.

CM currently receives about 5000 hits per week on its Web site. We also email a text version of our magazine to subscribers on our Listserv. Our readers are primarily teachers and librarians, who in many cases make purchasing decisions for their institutions.

All advertising is full colour ( generally the 256 colour palette) for the World Wide Web, and text only for Listservs.

For more information about our rates, or to place an ad e-mail

Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364