CM July 19, 1996. Vol II, Number 40

Table of Contents

See You in September

PARTLY BECAUSE CM IS HAVING some staff changes (more on that later), we're going on hiatus until the beginning of September. Of course, because it's summer, a lot of our regular readers aren't around anyway. (Though if you're reading this you are around, and -- and I mean this -- you're one of our favourites. But we're still taking a summer break.)

     Be assured, however, this doesn't mean any trouble for you. If you read us by e-mail, the issues will just stop arriving in your mailbox; in September, they'll start showing up again.

When I say staff changes, I mostly mean that this is my last day at CM. On Monday, I 'll be starting work as an instructor in the new media program at Red River Community College here in Winnipeg. Someone else will be at this e-mail address when CM comes back in September.

     CM has been an important eduational resource for Canadian educators for more than a quarter of a century. Being the first editor of the new, electronic version has been a challenge and a privilege. We've made our share of mistakes (often because of the very tight schedule a weekly Internet publication requires) but we've accomplished a lot to be proud of too, won a bunch of awards, and gotten a lot of encouragement from our readers.

     Since this is my last editorial, I want to mention that CM only exists because of our many volunteer reviewers. In the last thirteen months, some have done far more than their share of work; some are still patiently waiting for their first assignment. All of them have been important, a great body of support that's kept the magazine standing.

To all of you -- readers, reviewers, the CM board, and of course Executive Assistant Peter Tittenberger, who started the magazine with me -- thanks.

-- Duncan Thornton

Book Reviews

INTWhy Is Soap So Slippery?
And Other Bathtime Questions.
Catherine Ripley. Illustrated by Scot Ritchie.
Reviews by A. Edwardsson.
Preschool - Grade 4 / Ages 3 - 9.

Do the Doors Open by Magic?
And Other Supermarket Questions.
Catherine Ripley. Illustrated by Scot Ritchie.
Reviews by A. Edwardsson.
Preschool - Grade 4 / Ages 3 - 9.

INTAtom Bomb.
Tom Seddon.
Review by Ian Stewart.
Grades 7 - 9 / Ages 12 - 15.


 Collaborative Book Review Project

Duncan Thornton
Executive Assistant
Peter Tittenberger

If you would like to print out an entire copy of this issue of CM we have compiled all of our reviews in one print file.

About CM

We publish every week (except that we're now on recess until September)!
As of January 12, 1996, CM has implemented an unrestricted access policy: there will be no charge for either reading our web-site or receiving our e-mail version. We do ask regular readers, however, for an annual contribution of $42 to help defray costs. Money sent to CM qualifies as a charitable donation.

How do you subscribe to the e-mail version?

Send e-mail to:
In the body of the email message type 'subscribe cmlist'

Postal address:
100 Arthur Street, Suite 208
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1H3

Copyright © 1996 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364