History Alive Series
Northwest Passage

A multimedia excursion through the peculiar and fascinating events of our past

The Quest for the Northwest Passage through North America to the Orient has dominated the psyche of European, especially British, adventurers, explorers and merchants since John Cabot's first voyage to the New World in 1497.

The imagined wealth of Cathay drove countless glory seekers and gold diggers to frozen Arctic graves. From Martin Frobisher's 'Asian' gold rush on Baffin Island in 1576, Henry Hudson's frosty abandonment in Hudson Bay in 1610, to the mysterious demise of the John Franklin expedition in 1845, the Quest for the Northwest Passage is one of the most enduring, enigmatic and engaging stories in North American History.

The Northwest Passage contains five units or chapters:

* First Polar Voyagers - describes the history and lifestyle of the first, and most successful, explorers of the Arctic -- the Native peoples.
* First European Explorers - tells the (mythical) story of Brendan the Bold, an Irish monk who sailed the North Atlantic in the 6th century; the Viking colonization of Vinland; John and Sebastian Cabot's expeditions to the New World; and a general overview of living conditions for sixteenth century mariners on transatlantic voyages.
* Elizabethan Adventurers - details the outrageous schemes of some of the swashbuckling privateers of Elizabethan England -- specifically Martin Frobisher's 'Asian' gold rush on Baffin Island in 1576.
* Hudson's Bay - explores the crazy, seemingly ludicrous and ill-conceived attempts of English navigators to locate a secret sea route west from Hudson Bay during the seventeenth century.
* Fur Traders and Overlanders - studies the early fur trade and Hudson's Bay Company activities (as they relate to the quest for a sea route to the Orient) during the eighteenth century. You can also enjoy the tales of overland adventurers Samuel Hearne and Alexander Mackenzie traveling in the lands west of Hudson Bay.
* The Royal British Navy - shows how following the Napoleonic Wars in 1815, the Navy devoted excess ships and sailors to the most organized, politically motivated and systematic search for the Northwest Passage ever -- and how ill-conceived notions of cultural superiority and the attempt to blindly-bulldog through the Arctic Archipelago led to the horrifying demise of the unfortunate mariners who scoured the Arctic for the chimera of the Northwest Passage.


Open new worlds of understanding, discover the mysterious, bizarre unexplainable and sometimes horrifying behavior of the earliest explorers of North America. Understand how the cruel, daunting polar environment lured many to their doom in the lonely wilderness, or imagine the outrageous excesses of Dawson's golden demigods and demi-monds.

Enter a truly interactive world in the History Alive Series of high quality educational software products. Each module contains over one hundred archival photographs, drawings, paintings and ancient maps; numerous modern slide shows; sixteen beautiful interactive modern maps and timelines; an extensive gallery of interesting personalities; over sixty-five revealing and poetic excerpts from the original journals of explorers, fur traders and gold-seekers; narrations, animations, sound effects and historical folk songs; and 50,000 words of rich, well researched text with an extensive bibliography for further reference.

Carve through the vast database with powerful interactive tools -- skim the unit summaries, read it like a book, search with key words and an electronic index, enter spatially through interactive maps, and temporally through interactive timelines. Use the "Themes" button to view history from the perspective of cannibalism, death in the north, inter-racial conflict, the environment, the economy and more (over twenty different themes are designed for each module). Learning and understanding history has never been so exciting or alive.

Other Products
System Requirements
CD-ROMKlondike Gold Rush
CD-ROMNorthwest Passage
CD-ROMA Newfounde Isle
CD-ROMSignal Hill
CD-ROMBonavista North

Coming Soon
CD-ROMSettlers of Upper Canada
CD-ROMThe Golden Age of Piracy
*PC Compatible 486 or Pentium
*Windows 3.1 or Windows 95.
*4 MB of memory; VGA (or better) display.
*2xSpeed CD-ROM disk drive.
*Sound Card recommended.

Note: (Microsoft and Novell Network version available on request).
See our Web Site for further information of all these software products

If you would like to order the Northwest Passage CD-ROM:

Call: 1-800-386-1812
Fax: 613-233-7088
E-mail: history@idon.com

or please fill out the form below:

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Shipping and handling. In North America $2.50 CDN. Other countries - at cost.

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Copyright © 1996 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364