Volume 1 Number 16
September 29, 1995.

Traveling On into the Light.

Martha Brooks.
Vancouver: Groundwood, 1994. 146pp.
Cloth, 16.95. ISBN 0-88899-220-3.
Paper, 7.95. ISBN 0-88899-237-8.

Grades 8 - 13 / Ages 14 - Adult.
Review by Elaine Seepish.

This is one of those collections of stories that you hate to see come to an end. Brooks captures moments in the lives of young people and skilfully takes the reader ``into the light" of their experiences.

image     We see here kids in trouble, alone, searching, hurting. Sensitive kids who see through the shallowness of some of the adults around them. Kids in the throes of new love and wondering about where relationships will lead. Brooks has a gift for dialogue and delivering first person narrations that feel real.

    Especially welcome is a trio of connected stories about characters from her novel Two Moons in August (which I also hated to see end!).

Travelling On into the Light was included in the 1994 Canadian ``Notables" list.

Highly recommended for senior and mature junior-high students.

Elaine Seepish is Information Specialist at Instructional Resources Unit, Manitoba Education and Training.

Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364

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