
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Melanie and Meguido Zola.
Toronto, ON: Grolier, 1983.
48pp., paperbound boards, $7.95.
ISBN 0-7172-1840-X. Picture Life series. CIP.

Grades 3 and up / Ages 8 and up
Reviewed by Joan M. Payzant.

Volume 12 Number 1
1984 January

This is one in the Grolier's Picture Life series that includes biographies of Gretzky, Terry Fox, Steve Podborski, and others. In this case, the well-known children's record artists Sharon, Lois, and Bram are the subjects. It is not an easy task to write biographies of adults that will appeal to young readers, but the authors have done an excellent job. They have presented just enough of Sharon Hampson's, Lois Lilienstein's, and Bram Morrison's backgrounds, characters, and present-day activities to satisfy a child who wants to know more about the trio. The book would serve as an introduction preceding a Sharon, Lois, and Bram concert or a follow-up after a record-listening session. The cover is bright with a coloured photograph of the trio surrounded by children, and there are lots of black-and-white photos throughout. A few jokes, songs, and cartoons are sprinkled throughout the book, which has large, clear type and the extra bonus of an index. Cheers for Canadian heroes and colourful books about them to grace our children's library shelves!

Joan M. Payzant, Dalhousie, NS.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works