CM Magazine: The Little Math Puzzle Contest

The Little Math Puzzle Contest

Tom Murray, the coordinator of the The Math Puzzle, has been kind enough to give CM permission to run the weekly Little Math Puzzle Contest (inspired by The Great Canadian Trivia Challenge.)

Royal West Academy (a high school) in Montreal, Quebec is sponsoring a little math puzzle contest.

This contest is open to all participants but is designed for students in grades five through ten. English will be the language used for all problems and if their solutions relate to a language, the language will be English.

Contest Format:

Each week a new puzzle will be presented and the answers and winners from two weeks earlier will be posted. Answers are to be received by 8:00 a.m. eastern time the following Friday.

The answers will then be judged, and a correct answer along with the winners' names, will be posted with the puzzle two weeks later.

Both individual students and entire classes are welcome to participate.

Do not to send your answers to CM. Instead, please send all answers to Andrea Pollock and Alex Nazarov at the following address:

With your solution please include your names, school, grade, and e-mail address, and your city.

Question #9 from two weeks ago was the following:

What are the next two integers?

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, __ , __

Answer #9:

These are the prime numbers so the next two are 13 and 17.

Winners Who Correctly Solved #9

  1. Mrs. Dawson's grade 7 class
    Pilgrim Wood School: Oakville, ON
  2. Roxanne Sullivan, Julia Dunphy, Charles Robichaud, Melissa Furness Mr. Small's Grade 8
    Quispamsis Jr. High School: Quispamsis NB
  3. Hedges Grade 8 Math Class
    Winnipeg, MB
    Mark Kutcy
  4. Sameer Safaya, Grade 8
    German Swiss International School: Hong Kong.
  5. Cory Laite & Kory Gillingham
    Grade Five Class
    Edgar Lee
    Lakewood Academy: Glenwood
  6. Kristen Pelham, Gina Duggan, Jill Houlihan Grade 8
    Derek Leroux Grade 7
    Brian Thompson (2nd try) Grade 9
    Cunard Junior High SchooL: Halifax, NS
  7. Nicole, Candice, Rachel, Heather, Chris, Tracy, Sandy
    Mr. Atkinson's Grade 10 Information Processing: Valleyview, AB
  8. Riley Hilton (grade 9), Vanessa Heichert, Alex Maissan (grade 8)
    General Byng School: Winnipeg, MB
  9. Paul Bosc Grade 6 Teacher, Ecole St-Germain
    St-Vital School Division No.6: Winnipeg, MB
  10. Brad Seigrist - class 8-6
    Hillcrest School: Owen Sound, ON

Puzzle #11

``Man Seeks Order and a Pattern in all Things"

This week's Question #11 is the following:

What are the next two numbers?

61, 52, 63, 94, __ , __

Please remember to send your response by 8:00 a.m., Friday, November 24th to:

Andrea Pollock and Alex Nazarov
Royal West Academy, Montreal West, Quebec.

Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364

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