________________ CM . . . . Volume IV Number 18 . . . . May 8, 1998

Cover Learn About ... The Sea.

Robin Kerrod.
London, Eng: Lorenz Books [Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books], 1977.
64 pp., hardcover, $9.95.
ISBN 1-85967-310-4.

Grades 3 - 7 / Ages 8 - 12.
Review by Gail Hamilton.

**** /4


The sea has many fascinating rhythms and ever-changing moods as the waves pound the shore and the tides flow in and out. It teems with a variety of life, from microscopic single-celled creatures to monster whales weighing up to 150 tonnes. You do not have to be an alien to discover the secrets of the sea. You can start finding out for yourself when you visit the seaside, and find how fascinating the sea can be.
image An enthusiastic two thumbs up for this marvellous (and inexpensive) book which is absolutely jam-packed with interesting information about a subject that has fascinated people for centuries. Part of the "Learn About" series, the book is divided into 19 sub-topics, with a double-page spread devoted to each one. Titles range from underwater landscape, coral reefs, and waves and currents to scuba diving, ships and subs, and environmental issues. Twenty-six experiments and projects, clearly illustrating the focus of each concept, are also included. They can be done at home by students using easily obtainable items. Occasionally a "fact box" is shown which highlight a particularly interesting fact or statistic. Although the author's credentials are not listed, the book contains accurate, current information.

      The author's conversational writing style makes even the more difficult concepts easy for students to understand. An attractive layout, with over 250 colour illustrations - maps, photographs, diagrams and art work - further enhances the text. Thorough explanations accompany each illustration.

      A table of contents, an index and a list of picture credits are provided. If the other titles in the "Learn About" series - Flight, Cameras, Trees and Weather - are as well organized and informative as this one, the series is sure to be a hit. A great resource!

Highly recommended.

Gail Hamilton is a teacher-librarian at Bird's Hill School in East St. Paul, Manitoba.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.

Copyright © 1998 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364