________________ CM . . . . Volume IV Number 18 . . . . May 8, 1998

cover Sharks.

Bobbie Kalman and Greg Nickles.
Niagara-on-the-lake, ON: Crabtree, 1997.
32 pp., hardcover, $17.68.
ISBN 0-86505-637-4.

Grades K - 5 / Ages 5 - 10.
Review by Shannon Nesdoly.

*** /4


When prey is near its mouth, a shark moves in for the kill by following the animal's electrical charge. Every living creature gives off electricity, which the shark feels through small openings on its nose and body. Sharks can feel this electricity better than any other animal!
Did you know that sharks can lose more than 30,000 teeth in their lifetime? Do you know what creatures are often called "trash cans of the sea?" Readers will discover a variety of fascinating facts on these often feared fish. While the first half of the book is dedicated to general information about sharks such as senses and births, the second half offers close encounters with eight species, including great whites, hammerheads and cookie-cutter sharks. Each profile discusses the habitat and eating habits of the specific shark and includes a photograph. Although the writing is straightforward, it often lacks specifics. For example, the whale sharks are described as "the largest fish in the world," but their size is not given within the text. A section at the back of the book entitled, "What is in the picture?" explains that whale sharks can be 12m long, but the reader has to flip between the pictures and the back to access the information. Habitats are often vague, and no maps are provided. Despite some difficulties, the book is very interesting. The photographs offer a close-up look at several different species, and, although they are not all described in detail, the diversity of the creatures is evident. The layout is attractive with good use of space and simple graphics. Scientific terms are bolded within the text, and some are repeated in a small dictionary at the back of the book. Both a table of contents and an index are provided. Although this book may be too general in some cases, it serves as a good introduction to a misunderstood and fascinating family of fish.


Shannon Nesdoly, a mother of two, is also completing a B.Ed. degree at the University of Manitoba.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.

Copyright © 1998 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364