
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Sue Ann Alderson.
Toronto, ON: Clarke, Irwin, 1983.
116pp., paper, $8.95.
ISBN 0-7720-1332-9. CIP.

Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
Reviewed by Nadiya Blaine.

Volume 12 Number 3
1984 May

This is a story of one summer in the life of Jenny, a young girl who has trouble reading. Unfortunately, her mother's solution to the problem was to make her read The History of the French Revolution aloud. Jenny's method of escape from reality was an imaginary friend called "Debra" who was "truly elegant" and to whom every task was "hard, but not impossible". Jenny also sometimes imagines herself to be Debra, off to solve the problems of the world and always to be rewarded by huge parties and cheesecake.

As the summer progressed, Jenny and her mother grew to understand and to deal with each other better, and Jenny, with the help of a couple of friends learns to outgrow the need for "Debra". Jenny learns to do "hard, but not impossible" things for herself and thus gains new strengths and confidence.

I would recommend this book as an addition to any library catering to young people under twelve years of age, and especially to fans of Sue Ann Alderson who wrote the Bonnie McSmithers books. This book is fast moving, and has its share of excitement, adventure, and suspense.

Nadiya Blaine, Bertie E.S., Ridgeway, ON.
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Young Canada Works