________________ CM . . . . Volume III Number 15 . . . . March 28, 1997

CM Bulletin Board

From Canada's Schoolnet



Interested in students "at-risk or drop-out" of school? This new site offers a new option in dealing with this problem. Hooked-On-School, an initiative of Industry Canada's Schoolnet, is a prevention site focusing on students at-risk of dropping out and/or students who have already dropped out of school. The site informs young people about the consequences of dropping out of school. They also have the chance to tell what they think about school on this interactive site.

Parents, special needs educators, teachers and others are also invited to participate.

From the NOVAE GROUP Teachers Networking for the Future

Online English Grammar Site


If you don't know your "your" from your "you're" or your "its" from your "it's," then maybe it's time you took a refresher course in English grammar. For help with befuddling grammatical usage, check out the "On-Line English Grammar" web site's table of contents, or just do a keyword search of this great site. You can brush up with practice pages that include hypertext grammar courses and even an English as a second language test. Also, be sure to drop by the "Grammar Clinic" for important FAQs (learn the rules for using "that" vs. "which," and whether you use "was" or "were" in an "if" clause), get your questions answered by English teachers, and participate in some friendly chat in the "Grammar Cafe."

From the NBNSOFT Content Awards Ejournal

Homework for Kids


It's one thing to tell the kids to use the Internet to help them with their homework, but life is never quite so simple. Well the challenge just got much easier with Homework for Kids: Helping Kids with Computers to use the Internet. This site has been created 'in association' with Amazon.com Books (they have a book information link as well) but the main idea here is to help kids find the information they want, and to find it as quickly as possible. So they'll find many preselected links for events taking place each month, as well as a great area called Research Sites. Kids can scroll through this list and find just what they are looking for.

CM News Bulletin Board is a regular column featuring bits and pieces of notable information that have flowed through the CM office in the last few weeks and may be of interest to you.

Any reader who has news for other CM readers can send it to cm@mts.net under the subject newsbits. All information is subject to selection by CM and may or may not appear in the column. Please note that CM will not accept any direct advertising in its Bulletin Board column.

Copyright © 1997 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364