________________ CM . . . . Volume III Number 7 . . . . November 29, 1996


URL: http://edweb.cnidr.org/

Review by Kimberly Matthews.

Reprinted from the EdRes mailing list.


Edweb offers an exploration of the worlds of educational reform and information technology. You are able to search for online educational resources from all around the world. With Edweb continuously making changes and additions regularly, you can easily learn about the newest trends and information development in education. From reading success stories of computers in the classroom to what children are talking about over their very own Chat Forum, Edweb is an excellent site for anyone wanting to see what's new with the internet and our educational programs.


The Educational Resource Guide, a section which provides you with a variety of educational resources such as teacher discussion groups, lesson plans, interactive projects, and numerous interesting places for children to explore is one of the most useful links of the site. Other sections of interest include: Listserv Discussion, Usenet News Groups, and Chat Forums for Kids.

Commercial Collaborative Learning Services is a network used as a medium of information exchange and review among a variety of online students and teachers working towards a common goal. This would be great in the classroom if students were working on a project in any subject area and other students in another school were doing the same. They could exchange information and work together on it as a whole. You could incorporate cooperative learning over the net. This section is easily categorized and designed by providing you instantly with the current networks that are being used but not easily accessible because you have an individual to contact by phone and some charge fees.

A most worthwhile site for educators at all levels.

DISCLAIMER: We do our best to verify the information in C-EDRES posts, but we do not guarantee accuracy nor agree with every opinion expressed. Please report inaccuracies to C-EDRES-request@unb.ca. For questions about this resource, please contact the site, not C-EDRES.

Copyright © 1996 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364