________________ CM . . . . Volume III Number 15 . . . . March 28, 1997

image Canadian Almanac & Directory 1997.

Edited by Ann Marie Aldighieri.
Toronto, ON: Copp Clark Professional, 1997. 1,496 pp., hardcover, $189.00.
ISBN 1-895021-26-X.

Adult Reference.
Review by Lorrie Ann Wannamaker.

*** /4

cover Any book that has been published for 150 consecutive years and has been a Canadian bestseller since 1847 likely deserves high recommendation. The Canadian Almanac & Directory merits such praise. Not willing to rest on its laurels, the 150th edition has been completely redesigned.

      The new design features:

      With all the information about Canadian institutions, organizations and prominent citizens, The Canadian Almanac & Directory is not only a large and heavy book, but it also is a wonderful research tool for students, and anyone wanting up-to-date facts about Canada would be overwhelmed. National Librarian Marianne Scott writes that it is the "most valuable source of basic reference information" and a "veritable bible of quick information."

      Though librarians would be the first people to purchase this book, business people would benefit from the list of fax numbers along with all the current addresses of every government office and financial organization. The promotional sheet accompanying the volume says it provides over 125,000 sales leads, and mailing lists would be easy to develop for sales contacts.

      Recommended to anyone needing an almanac. And, as an added bonus this year, purchasers receive a facsimile reprint of the 1847 edition of the Almanac.

Highly recommended.

Lorrie Ann Wannamaker is Vice-Principal at Sir Wilfrid Laurier School in Hamilton, Ontario.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.

Copyright © 1997 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364