________________ CM . . . . Volume III Number 18 . . . . May 9, 1997

cover The Story of Canada.

Janet Lunn and Christopher Moore. Illustrated by Alan Daniel.
Toronto (ON): Lester Publishing and Key Porter Books, 1996. 320pp., paper, $29.95.
ISBN 1-895555-88-4. CIP.

Grades 6 - 8 / Ages 11 - 13.
Review by Caroline Thomson.

**** /4

image The Story of Canada begins with stories of the first people in what is now Canada; it ends in our very recent past. The middle is made up of just about everything in between. Stories about the people who crossed the Bering land bridge thousands of years ago, to Lucien Bouchard resigning from Federal politics to become Premier of Quebec. The authors present many of the dramatic turning points in Canadian history and the story is enhanced with folktales, myths and anecdotes.

      The authors are well suited to the task: Janet Lunn is a well known and respected Canadian writer for children who has won several awards for her work. Christopher Moore is an historian and writer who specializes in presenting history to general audiences. He is also the co-author of The Illustrated History of Canada. Alan Daniel, the well-known illustrator, adds his vivid illustrations throughout the book greatly enhancing its appeal. image

      As the authors themselves note, no book has enough room for all the stories of Canada; however, they have done an admirable job of covering the multifaceted history of our country. This completely updated version brings their coverage to 1996. They tell stories of humour, tragedy, courage, daring and vision. There also seems to have been an effort to bring more attention to the role of women, Natives and the common man, but in doing so they do not exclude leaders and traditional heroes. Included with the basic facts of history are anecdotes about individuals or events that are often amusing and always interesting and informative. The accounts of daily life scattered throughout the text enable the young reader to imagine what their life might have been like had they lived during that period.
      Every page includes illustrations or photographs which help bring the stories alive. The authors used historical photographs, maps, paintings posters and cartoons, not to mention Alan Daniel's colourful and detailed illustrations. The book also includes a chronology and a detailed index.

      The book is written in a lively and fascinating manner holding the attention of the reader. The Story of Canada is the story of the many Canadians who have shaped and influenced our country. The result is a beautiful and informative book. With attention to stories of the people of our past rather than a basic listing of events and dates, this book will show young readers that our history is neither dry nor dull.

Highly Recommended.

Caroline Thomson, Librarian, Toronto, Ontario.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.

Copyright © 1997 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364