________________ CM . . . . Volume IV Number 10 . . . . January 16, 1998

Teachers' Manual for Chess.

Ottawa, ON: Chess Federation of Canada, 1997.

All ages.
Review by Harriet Zaidman.

**** /4


The Queen is the most mobile and powerful piece on the board. She combines the movement of the rook with that of the bishop. In other words, she can move like a bishop on one turn and a rook the next. An example of the mobility of the queen on the open board is seen below; all together she attacks an astounding 27 squares - more than 40% of the board! (Lesson 5)
Chess is a game that captures the attention of millions of people the world over. Its appeal knows no boundaries, whether by age or geography. Chess is acknowleged to promote mathematical and abstract thinking skills and is a positive activity for young children.

      In the former Soviet Union, chess was taught in school and heavily promoted. The results were clear: the Soviet Union turned out an unprecedented number of the world's best chess players. A similar decision in Great Britain since the 1980's has also created a fine crop of young chess wonders. Efforts to have chess taught in school have succeeded in some jurisdictions, notably in Quebec and Ontario. In others places, chess must depend on the interest and availability of teachers or volunteers.

      To assist the variety of organized and casual groups in developing childrens' ability in chess, the Chess Federation of Canada has produced a manual of easy to understand step-by-step lessons aimed at busy teachers who want to introduce their students to the game of kings. The manual has 26 double sided-page lessons that delineate the major moves and strategies (e.g. How Kings Move and Take, Checkmate with a Knight, Checkmate with Two Major Pieces). Each lesson is precisely written and illustrated with clear chess diagrams. The lessons are accompanied by a set of problems laid out in diagrams with the answers following.

      This manual is useful both for teachers who are inexperienced at chess and those who know the game. Any fears novices might have about teaching a game they don't know can be dismissed - the teacher can learn at the same time without fear of being overwhelmed. Any teachers or students who are interested in pursuing the study of chess further can then enter a world of competition, tournaments and study that is unending. The final part of the manual includes tournament rules for both Swiss and Round Robin competitions.

      The manual is written by a four-time member of the Canadian Olympiad team who is also an International Chess Master. It is free and teachers have permission to duplicate the lessons for educational purposes. The loose-leaf style format makes it easy to use.

      Now, no school will have any excuse for not having a chess program.

Highly recommended.

Harriet Zaidman is a teacher-librarian in Winnipeg.

If you would like to order Teachers' Manual for Chess, please email the Chess Federation of Canada.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.

Copyright © 1998 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364