________________ CM . . . . Volume IV Number 20 . . . . June 5, 1998

cover Hooray for Sheep Farming! Hooray for Farming! series.

Bobbie Kalman.
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON: Crabtree, 1998.
32 pp, hardcover, $17.68.
ISBN 0-86505-655-2.

Grades 2 - 5 / Ages 7 - 10.
Review by Luella Sumner.

**** /4


Sheep spend most of their time outdoors. Farms have one or more barns where the sheep are kept when they have lambs or when they are sick. The shearing room is in the barn. It is where the sheep have their wool clipped off, or sheared, each spring.

Sheep spend most of their time grazing, or eating grasses and plants, in the pasture. A pasture is a large, open field where grasses and other small plants grow.

The drylot is an area of the farm that has no grass. The shepherd moves sheep there when they have eaten enough grass for the day. He or she does not want the sheep to eat too much grass. If they do, they could get bloat, an illness that can kill them. The shepherd puts other foods such as hay and grain in the drylot. He or she makes sure that the sheep get enough of these foods to stay healthy. There is also fresh water for the sheep to drink.

This book, one of a series of four titles describing various types of farming, takes the young reader on a tour of a sheep farm. Written in a clear and interesting style, the book covers many aspects of sheep farming [although not in great depth] - the Contents page provides headings which lead the reader from "Raising sheep for wool?" to "From wool to yarn." The colour illustrations, both photographs and explanatory drawings, provide more information on every page. Note the politically correct "he or she" when referring to the shepherd in the above excerpt. The pages are decorated with small drawings of sheep and wool. Vocabulary words are printed in bold type, and there is a glossary and an index on the last page.

      Kalman is well known for her excellent books for children. Credit is given to the Ontario Agri-Food Education, Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency and the American Wool Council/American Sheep Industry Association.

      This book would be a excellent addition to a library collection.

Highly recommended.

Luella Sumner is Head Librarian at the Red Rock Public Library, Red Rock, Ontario.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.

Copyright © 1998 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364