________________ CM . . . . Volume IV Number 21 . . . . June 19, 1998

cover Jamie Anderson Wouldn't ...

Carol Meredith. Illustrated by Lorrie Szekat.
Willowdale, ON: Annick Press, 1998.
32 pp, board, $15.95.
ISBN 1-55037-457-5.

Grades preschool - 1 / Ages 3 - 6.
Review by Shannon Nesdoly.

** /4


On Monday Jamie Anderson wouldn't get out of bed.

"Come on, Jamie, it's time for breakfast," called his brother. "Don't forget to wash your hands."

Jamie didn't come. His mother stuck her head around the door.

"Are you sick?" she asked.

"Yes," said Jamie, "nnnnoo."

She brought his wooden blocks and gave him green ice cream for lunch. Jamie made a house that fell over on the bed.

image Jamie Anderson is sick of 'don'ts'. From Monday to Friday, Jamie stays in bed eating ice cream and playing with his toys. Jamie's worried mother calls the doctor, but the bumbling physician thinks Jamie has been eating too many donuts. Finally, Jamie's dad arrives home after a week away, and Jamie admits the source of his illness: "There's 'don't talk with your mouth full' and 'don't forget to brush your teeth' and 'don't pick your nose' and 'don't eat with your fingers' and 'don't interrupt.'" Not only that, but Jamie starts kindergarten next week.

      The story lacks focus, and Jamie's sickness is lost within the fear of starting school and missing his father. Sadly, Jamie does not arrive at his own solutions. Instead, his father provides an ending that appears to satisfy Jamie but may disappoint the reader. No doubt though, many young children will identify with Jamie's fear of kindergarten and being sick of all the don'ts, and they will be relieved when Jamie's parents agree to take him to school for the first day. And, of course, Jamie's daily dish of ice cream for lunch is sure to cheer even the youngest readers.

      Although the illustrations are crude, they are lively and fun. Unfortunately, the picture of the doctor gets lost in the gutter. Children will probably enjoy much of the off-beat humour contained within the pages, and Jamie's zany cat is especially entertaining.

Recommended with reservations.

Shannon Nesdoly is an Education student at the University of Manitoba and a mother of two.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.

Copyright © 1998 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364