CM magazine







canadian review of materials

cm archive
CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People (also known as Canadian Materials) was published from 1971 to 1994 by the Canadian Library Association.

This archive contains reviews, feature stories, interviews, and articles from CM.

We have prepared a number of indexes for you to access the Canadian Materials archive. Click on the appropriate link to access an index, or if you would like to read the magazine chronologically, follow the date links. You can also use the CM search tool which searches both the current online version of CM and the CM archive.

CM: pérodique portant sur des publications canadiennes à l'intention des jeunes (aussi connu sous le nom de Canadian Materials) publié de 1971 à 1994 par la Canadian Library Association.

Ces archives comportent des comptes rendus, des articles de fond, des interviews et des articles tirés de CM.

Nous avons préparé des index pour vous permettre d'avoir accès aux archives de CM. Cette revue était initialement publiée uniquement en anglais, et toutes les archives de CM sont disponibles uniquement en anglais. Cliquer sur le lien approprié ci-dessous pour avoir accés à un index; si vous souhaitez lire la revue par ordre chronologique, suivez les liens dates.

This digital collection was produced under contract to Industry Canada and Young Canada Works.


CM is now published biweekly by the Manitoba Library Association as CM: Canadian Review of Materials. You can read current issues of CM on our web site or subscribe to the email version of CM by sending a message to In the body of the message type "subscribe cm".

The materials in this archive are copyright © The Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copyright information for reviewers

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