
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Francess Halpenny.
Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1988.
1088pp., cloth, $70.00.
ISBN 0-8020-3452-7. CIP.

Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
Reviewed by P.J. Hammel.

Volume 17 Number 3
1989 May

Because the eleven volumes of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography were published irregularly rather than sequentially, the development of a standardized format is not readily apparent. However, volumes V, Vl, VIl and Xl all display the same format.

The standardized format as exemplifled by these four volumes consists of introduction (an overview of the themes of the period covered), acknowledgments, subjects of biographies (an alphabetical list of the names of the subjects of the biographies in this volume), editorial notes (aids to use), list of abbreviations (of the sources of information), biographies (the body of the work), general bibliography (of the sources most frequently cited), contributors (an alphabetical listing), index of identifications (by occupation and category), geographic index (by parts of Canada and countries of the world), and nominal index (alphabetical list of all names mentioned in this volume with references to other volumes when appropriate).

This volume also closes the last gap in the sequence of volumes published to date and brings the time period completed to 1890. It is expected that Volume Xll (1891-1900), which will complete the coverage to the end of the nineteenth century, will be published by 1991. That achievement will mark a significant milestone in the development of an official national bibliography for our country.

It is, of course, its function as a national bibliography that makes the Dictionary of Canadian Biography most significant: it is a concrete sign of our maturity as a nation as well as a sign of the maturity of Canadian scholarship. It can now take its place among the other great biographical dictionaries of the world.

Any adult with an interest in any area of Canadian development may read these volumes for information and entertainment. At the same time, high school students involved in Canadian studies must have access to this series.

P.J. Hammel, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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