
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Margaret Buffie.
Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press, 1989.
220pp., cloth, $14.95.
ISBN 0-921103-65-4. CIP.

Grades 7 - 9 / Ages 12 - 14
Reviewed by Adele M. Fasick.

Volume 18 Number 2
1990 March

Teenage Rachel MacCaw, angry over her mother's desertion, feels even more isolated when her father sells their Manitoba farm and deposits Rachel with his Aunt Irene in Winnipeg while he drives a truck to B.C. Rachel has already been troubled by visions warning her of impending events, and in her attic bedroom at Aunt Irene's house she becomes aware of a hovering dark shadow and of an apparently benign ghost.

The most normal contact in Rachel's new life is Will, a boy from her new school, who lives across the street. Together Rachel and Will decide to try to understand the mysterious events in the MacCaw house. Through a ouija board Rachel learns enough to confront her aunt and persuade her to explain what is going on. Eventually her father returns to play his part in what proves to be a legacy from generations past. At last they can unite against the forces of evil and defeat them. In so doing, Rachel finally comes to accept and understand her father and deal with her mother's desertion.

Buffie's second book has kept the lively style of her first, Who Is Frances Rain? ¹ This fast-paced story with a touch of the occult will appeal to many young teenagers.

¹ Reviewed vol. XVI/2 March 1988, p.43.

Adele M. Fasick, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
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Young Canada Works