
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

School Services of Canada, 1991. 16 minutes, VHS, $109.90. includes guide.
Distributed by School Services of Canada.
66 Portland St., Toronto, ON., M5V 2M8..
Meet the Canadian Author series.


School Services of Canada, 1991. 14 minutes, VHS, $109.90. includes guide.
Distributed by School Services of Canada.
66 Portland St., Toronto, ON., M5V 2M8..
Meet the Canadian Author series.

Grades 4 and up / Ages 9 and up
Reviewed by Patricia Cooper.

Volume 19 Number 6
1991 November

Marie-Louise Gay is the award-winning Canadian author/illustrator of popular children's books such as Rainy Day Magic ¹, Angel and the Polar Bear (Stoddart, 1988), Willy Nilly (Stoddart, 1990), and Fat Charlie's Circus ².

This live-action video, available in French or English, introduces the viewer to Marie-Louise Gay's stories and the characters in them. Exerpts from several of Gay's books including Mademoiselle Moon, to be published in 1991, illustrate various aspects of Gay's work.

Gay is shown at work in her studio, reading to school children, and at home with her family. Voice-over narration alternates with Gay's own voice as she tells us how her stories are inspired by events from her own childhood as well as by her children. She explains how she works with the illustrations and the text in putting together a story. She talks about her characters; it is very important to Gay to portray real kids that readers identify with. Then there are the secret plots echoing the main plot portrayed by amusing animal characters but given a hilarious twist in Mademoiselle Moon.

The teacher's guide gives additional background biographical information and lists Gay's books in English and French and the awards won. In addition, teachers will find suggestions for follow-up activities.

Highly recommended.

¹ Reviewed vol. XV/5 September 1987, p. 205.
² Reviewed vol. XVIII/2 March 1990, p.64.

Patricia Cooper, Brampton Public Library, Brampton, ON.

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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works