Volume II Number 1
October 20, 1995

From the Editor


Welcome to Volume II!

CM Staff and Board Well, the CM staff and board are slowly coming down after our official launch last Friday night. (It turns out we still have a magazine to get out...)

The launch marked the end of Volume I, our ``trial" volume, which means that access to new issues will be restricted to subscribers from now on. The whole run of Volume I, as well as our Review and Advertiser indexes, will remain freely available, however. If you don't have a subscription (free to Manitobans) yet, please contact our Executive Assistant, Peter Tittenberger at camera@mbnet.mb.ca.

CM cake

Within a week or two then, reading new issues of CM over the Web may require a password (which we'll be e-mailing out to subscribers soon). One of the consequences is that you may need a graphic Web browser that supports form completion, such as Netscape (which is free for educational users), to read the new issues over the Web. The e-mail version of CM will be unaffected, of course, but text-based Web browsers like Lynx won't be able to display the password-dialogue; if you use Lynx, we'd encourage you to upgrade so as to be able to experience CM in all its colour (and sound) and glory. If that's not practical, don't worry, as I said, you'll still get all the text by e-mail every week anyway.

Jon Gerrard As the pictures on this page might show, our launch was a big success, with a large-turnout by the media. We were lucky enough to have the Honourable Jon Gerrard, Secretary of State for Science, Research and Technology and M.P. David Walker, representing the Honourable Michel Dupuy, Minister of Canadian Heritage, as speakers, and a good time was had by all.

David Walker

I want to say again that our launch would have been impossible to arrange and afford without the co-operation of Zine's Infocafé, and the generousity of our sponsors: Advance Electronics, who have supplied the Apple computers we use to produce CM and who set up the display for the large-screen demo; Magic On-Line Services, an Internet service provider whose assistance has been vital in getting the magazine up and running; and Copperfield's, Manitoba's largest dealer of computer and business books. Look for advertising features from these fine people in this and upcoming issues.

We plan to go on improving in Volume II, and we want to hear your opinions about both individual reviews or articles and the magazine in general. As always, send any comments, suggestions, or complaints to the address beneath my name.

-- Duncan Thornton, Editor

Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364

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