How Monkeys Make Chocolate:
Foods and Medicines from the Rainforests.
Adrian Forsyth.
Toronto: Owl Books, 1995. 48pp, paper, $9.95.
ISBN 1-895688-32-9.
Grades 4 - 8 / Ages 8 - 13.
Review by Jennifer La Chapelle
We still know very little about thousands of kinds of rainforest plants
and animals. We don't even have names for many of them. But what goes on
between all the plants and animals is what makes the forest work --
flowers are pollinated. seeds are spread, animals are fed. Little by
little, we are learning to see and to use these connections. Without the
relationship between monkeys and cacao. we would not have chocolate And
living forests are full of riches yet to be found.
The destruction of rainforests throughout the globe. and the resultant
loss of potential medicines and foods is not lost on young adults.
Circulation records at public and school libraries indicate that
elementary and high school students' interest in the topic is not simply
curriculum-driven. Adrian Forsyth's How Monkeys Make
Chocolate successfully explores four instances of the interaction
of plants, animals, and people in rainforests.
The title, cover, and visual layout of this work will draw the
reader into the text, which reveals Forsyth's award-winning writing
style. A biologist of international repute, Forsyth interjects his own
experiences of rainforest plant/animal/human interaction, removing the
book from the realm of formulaic textbook materials. The photography and
layout are slick, as one would expect from an Owl Books
Yet the visual appeal seems geared towards a younger audience than
the text, which is best suited to grades six to eight. Many of the terms
Forsyth uses, such as ``chemical beacon" are not explained. While senior
elementary students might be expected to grasp their meaning even when
the terms have not been dealt with in class, junior- and middle-grade
readers drawn in by the photography and layout may find the text
frustrating. Had sidebars been used to break out some of this
information, the book would have been suitable to a wider age group. A
useful index is provided, but considering the topic and some of the
scientific terms used, a bibliography would have been an attractive
additional feature.
While How Monkeys Make Chocolate will be gobbled up
by elementary students interested in this current topic, it misses an
opportunity to attract a greater following through a more useful layout.
It is also very selective in its coverage. and so will serve best as an
appetiser, leaving the reader or buyer to search elsewhere for a main
course on this subject.
Recommended with reservations.
Jennifer La Chapelle is the head of a multi-branch public library in
Ontario. In addition to an M.L.S., she holds degrees in Political
Science, English, and History.
To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cmeditor@mts.net

Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association.
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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364
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