CM Magazine: The Little Math Puzzle Contest

Tom Murray, the coordinator of the the math puzzle, has been kind
enough to give CM permission to run the weekly Little
Math Puzzle Contest (inspired by The Great Canadian Trivia
The holidays disrupted the schedules of both CM and the math puzzle, so there's a lot of catching up to do . . . but you can find archives of old questions and winners lists on the math puzzle web page:
Royal West Academy (a high school) in Montreal, Quebec
is sponsoring a little math puzzle contest.
This contest is open to all participants but is designed for students in
grades five through ten. English will be the language used for all problems
and if their solutions relate to a language, the language will be English.
January begins a new year of puzzles.
The thought for the year: ``Change your paradigm."
Contest Format:
The math puzzle is also available through SchoolNet; in CM, a new puzzle will be presented each Friday and the answers and winners from two weeks earlier will be posted.
Answers are to be received by 8:00 a.m. eastern time the following Friday.
The answers will then be judged, and a correct answer, along with the
winners' names, will be posted with the puzzle two weeks later.
Both individual students and entire classes are welcome to participate.
Do not to send your answers to CM.
Instead, please send
all answers to Andrea Pollock and Alex Nazarov at the following
With your solution please include your names, school, grade, and
e-mail address, and your city.
Question #15 was the following:
What are the next 2 letters in the sequence?
F, M, A, M, J, _J__, _A__
Answer #15:
(J)uly and (A)ugust are the next letters
(F)ebruary, (M)arch, (A)pril, (M)ay, (J)une.......
The Winners -- Solvers of Puzzle #15
- Neil Murray, Rudi Ellis, Jordan Cote,
and the rest of Mr. Davis's grade 5 class
Sheridan School, Oakville, Ontario.
- Edgar Lee
Lakewood Academy, Glenwood, nf
- Jane Scaplen's grade 6 French Immersion class
Sacred Heart Elementary - Marystown, Newfoundland
- Sharyn Joffe, Mike Daly, Grade 6W
Yorkhill Elementary School - Thornhill, Ontario
- Lauren Yakemchuk, Lindsay Kozakevich - Mr. K's math 8K class
Glen Avon Protestant School - St. Paul, Alberta.
- Maren Layton, Julie Woodruff - Mr. Gary Hill's grade 7 class
Chamberlain High School, Grassy Lake, Alberta
- Ms. Dawson's class 73
PilgrimWood school - Oakville
- Mrs. Dalton's Gr. 6 class
Gibbons School - Gibbons, Alberta, Canada
- Nisha Patel, Chris Pitre, Kiran Helferty, Andrew Bain,
Evan Powell, Brijesh Patel, Ryan Cook, Brianne Kennedy,
Kara Ciccarelli, Natalie Dacho, Tiffany Cater,
Vincent Spano - Ms. Laudonio's grade 5
Gregory A. Hogan - Sarnia, Ontario
- Eric Chow - Mrs. Ager's class
St. Therese's school - Sarnia Ontario
- Frank Spano and Shawn Andrews and Robbie Ciccarelli
- Mrs. Pitt's class - Grade 6
Gregory Hogan - Sarnia, Ontario
- John Gamble, 14 years old - Mrs. Delorme
Gregory A Hogan School - Sarnia Ontario Canada
- Chris Machado - Grade 8
Gregory A. Hogan School, Sarnia, Ont.
- Class 81 - Ryan Neil, Greg Robertson, Gabrielle Yee,
Gabriell Klosak, Chris Mileena, Dan Stolfi
class 77 - Andrew Moller for all the people
From College Avenue Public School Guelph Ontario Canada
- Mr. Renaud's Gr.5 Class Response
Mark Renaud ?
- Mike Stanhope, Grade 5 - Mrs. N. Seamans
Lakefield Elementary School - Quispamsis, N.B.
- Grade 9 Math Class
Oyen Public School - ?
- Celeste Bryk - Grade 8
General Vanier School - Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Nick Jacob, twelve years old, Mr. Burger's Gr. 7 class.
St. Therese's school - Sarnia Ontario
- Brenda MacKellar - Math teacher
Cunard Junior High School - Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Mrs. G's Sensational Sixes
SunValley School - Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Mrs Caplin's class Grade 6A
Ler School Dalhousie N.B. Canada
- Thomas Allan, 13 years old, in grade 8
Queen of Angels School - Duncan BC, Vancouver Island
but I am doing this from home
And the kind of vague:
- Art Witham? MTEU-OECTA - Downsview
- Donna? Brent Moyer,
Man seeks order and a pattern in all things.
Puzzle #16
Because CM is posting this question late, you don't really have time to answer it, but anyway, Question #16 is below:
What meaning can you find in the following?
Send your response by 8:00 a.m., Friday, January 12 to:
Puzzle #17
You actually have time on this one. This week's Question #17 is below:
What is the following number?
7 9 13 21 37 __ ?
Send your response by 8:00 a.m. Friday, January 19th to:
Andrea Pollock and Alex Nazarov
Royal West Academy, Montreal West, Quebec.

Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association.
Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is
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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364
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