Taming the Tube
It's time again for the annual Taming the Tube project run through Canada's SchoolNet. Last year we had over 250 schools worldwide participate in this Internet research happening! Join us in this internationally acclaimed project and become part of the global village! We now have WWW access and will be publishing our findings on the Web.
Please feel free to pass on this ``Call to Participate."
There is a registration deadline, so don't delay.
Dalia Naujokaitis
Coordinator of Taming the Tube
St. Elizabeth Catholic School
893 Admiral Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
E-mail: an229@freenet.carleton.ca
TV-Watching Habits of 10-to-12 year olds
Have your students ever wondered how much TV they watch in a week?
Have they ever compared their TV watching habits and attitudes with other
students their age? In the Taming the Tube Project your students will
have ample opportunities to make such comparisons with students from
different parts of the world.
The Grade 6 class at St. Elizabeth Catholic School in Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, is presently studying the effects of mass media -- especially
TV -- on kids. As part of this study the students are monitoring their
weekly TV-watching habits. They want to find out the following :
- How much TV is watched per week by 10-to-12 year olds?
- Who watches more TV, the girls or the boys?
- Are there any geographical differences?
- What are the favourite TV shows of this age group?
- How does TV influence the attitudes and lifestyles of 10-to-12 year olds?
(c) April 1994
by Dalia Naujokaitis
- DATE: Feb. 12, 1996 - May 6, 1996
- (Registration: Jan. 12 - Feb 9)
- PURPOSE: This research activity allows students to measure a behaviour in which they have all participated, TV-WATCHING.
- They will learn:
- to collect data
- to organize information
- to make predictions and formulate hypotheses as well as to
analyze their data by determining the mean, mode,
median, and range
- to locate their research team schools on maps
- to use telecommunications:terminal software commands,
uploading and downloading, e-mail, WWW
- to use databases and spreadsheets
- SUBJECTS: Mathematics, Research Skills, Science, Geography,
Media Literacy, Computer literacy
- GRADE LEVELS: 4, 5, 6, 7 (ages 10-12)
Dalia Naujokaitis
St. Elizabeth School
893 Admiral Avenue
Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1Z 6L6
Telephone: (613) 728-4744
E-mail: an229@freenet.carleton.ca
- In order to participate you must agree to do the following:
- register by completing the information requested below
including the latitude and longitude
- keep to the timeline in sending Hello letter and raw data
(other classes are counting on you)
upload the raw data in requested form
- evaluate this project by filling out an evaluation form
provided by the coordinator along with any comments
or suggestion for improvement
- NB: When you register you will be added to Tametube list. Further files will
be sent to you to help with the HELLO letter and DATA collection.
HOW TO REGISTER: Send a separate registration for each class participating
E-mail address - an229@freenet.carleton.ca
with Subject: Register-Tame Tube
Name of contact:____________________________
e-mail address: ____________________________
School: ____________________________________
School address: ____________________________
School phone: ______________________________
Latitude: __________________________________
Longitude: _________________________________
Grade(s): __________________________________
Subject(s): ________________________________
Number of students in class:________________
Access to WWW: YES___ NO___
Home page URL (if any)______________________
Description of school/community:
(5 lines or less):
- FEB. 9
- Last day to register for participation in the project.
On registration you will be added to the Tametube listserver.
- FEB. 19
- Project Coordinator sends global addresses and
complete list of participants to participating schools
- FEB. 26
- Send Hello Letter to tametube list
- FEB. 19- MARCH 22
- Participating classes gather data (any 7-day cycle)
- APRIL 12
- Last day for sending raw data to coordinator
- APRIL 22
- Return Survey Questionnaire (optional but recommended) to Coordinator (not the list)
- MAY 6
- Data compiled & returned to research teams
for further use
- Upon registration participating classes are added to Tametube listserver.
- Participant list sent to all schools for locating research team members using latitude and longitude.
- Each class composes a Hello letter to be sent to all participants. Format will be sent after registration is confirmed.
- Participating classes prepare a log book for keeping track of individual TV-watching times for the chosen 7-day cycle. Each student predicts how much time he/she spends watching TV in a week.
- Each student keeps a log of TV watched during the agreed
7-day cycle. The TOTAL TIME WATCHED A WEEK is recorded by
each child by adding up daily times watched over the 7-day cycle
ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST 5 MINUTES each day. At the end of the
week the minutes for the whole week FOR EACH STUDENT are totalled
(THE RAW SCORE) and recorded for sending to Coordinator (not to the list).
- TV watching does NOT include video games nor rented movies.
Movie specials or TV programs that have been taped directly
and watched later are included for this survey
- At the end of the monitored week, the teacher and students
summarize the results for the ENTIRE CLASS by
noting the RANGE (from the lowest to the highest of total
times watched) and by calculating 3 different types of ``average"
- add up all the children's total times watched
divided by the number of children
- list the data of total times watched by the
children in ascending or descending order
and select the value that falls in the middle (for
even numbers take 2 middle values and average them)
- from the same list of data select the total time
watched (to the nearest 5 minutes) that occurs
most frequently
- (This is an excellent time to use databases and spreadsheets for keeping track of results and for doing statistical analysis, graphing).
- Calculate the RANGE, MEAN, MEDIAN, and MODE for the girls.
- Calculate the RANGE, MEAN, MEDIAN, and MODE for the boys.
- List the favourite TV programs for girls and boys separately,
indicating # of times chosen.
- Students fill out TV WATCHERS ANONYMOUS SURVEY. This survey has been devised by the Grade 6 students. The survey looks at student attitudes towards violence on TV, role models, influence of TV on clothing, etc. This is OPTIONAL, but highly requested.
are forwarded to the coordinator for analysis and compilation of global results.
- Format for sending collected DATA will be sent to participants when
project begins.
- DATA of individual classes and global results of survey are shared with all participants and published in hard copy and online. The hypotheses are tested out with real data.
Dalia Naujokaitis St. Elizabeth School, 893 Admiral Ave.
E-mail: an229@freenet.carleton.ca
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Z 6L6, CANADA

Copyright © 1996 the Manitoba Library Association.
Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice
is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.
Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364
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